World Donkey Day
Donkeys are beautiful animals but have not been treated well, so World Donkey Day is a chance for us who cares about these animals to highlight the contribution >>>
Donkeys are beautiful animals but have not been treated well, so World Donkey Day is a chance for us who cares about these animals to highlight the contribution >>>
Yersiniosis is also known as Enterocolitis, Pseudotuberculosis. It is a bacterial zoonotic disease. Yersinia is named after Alexandre Yersin, a French microbiologist >>>
Symptoms of heat stress in dogs are excessive panting, drooling of saliva, vomition, diarrhea, redness of gums, mental dullness or loss of consciousness >>>
The vaginal prolapse is more common and looks like a pink mass of tissue about the size of a large grapefruit or volleyball. Prolapse of the uterus is a larger, longer mass, deeper red >>>
Puerperal endometritis is an acute systemic illness due to infection of the uterus with bacteria mostly within 10 days after parturition. It is often associated with RFM dystocia, still >>>
Forests and Environment Ministry urged media to remain cautious while reporting on the matter as the virus detected in the lions is not of concern to humans, and there is no factual evidence that >>>
Swine flu also known as Swine influenza / Pig influenza / Hog flu / Pig flu. The first reports of influenza like disease in pigs occurred in both US and Europe in conjunction with 1918 Human influenza >>>
Endometritis, which implies inflammation of the endometrium, is a common condition of the cow. It does have a profound effect upon the fertility of the animal. >>>
African swine fever (ASF) is a highly contagious, devastating disease of pigs and wild boars causing severe mortality. ASF is caused by African swine fever virus (ASFV) >>>
Most common Uterine complications is Pyometra which is characterized by the accumulation of purulent or muco-purulent material within the uterine lumen along with distension of the uterus >>>
Brucellosis is one of the most important zoonotic diseases globally and continues to have a significant impact on animal as well as human health in world >>>
There is need to explore alternate feed resources which do not compete with human feed chain as feed and fodder availability among Asian countries is not >>>
Sheep are the excellent converter of grass into meat and wool. They do not require high cost building to house them and require less labor as compared to other kinds of livestock. Sheep possess a sp >>>
In order to overcome economic losses obtained due to heat stress some of the major amelioration strategies to combat heat stress in Indian conditions. >>>