Advanced analytical techniques for the analysis of Vitamins and Minerals in Animal Nutrition
Introduction Animal nutrition deals with the nutritional needs of food-producing, companion, or service animals. It >>>
Introduction Animal nutrition deals with the nutritional needs of food-producing, companion, or service animals. It >>>
Milk fever is a common metabolic or production disease found in high producing dairy cows. It generally occurs within 24 hours postpartum but can occur up to 2-3 days post calving. >>>
Minerals are important nutritional components constituting only 5% of the bodyweight of the animals, having a major role in the health, production, reproduction, and immune defense of >>>
Nutrition Antoine Lavoisier (1743-1794) is acknowledged as the Founder of the Science of Nutrition. The series of various chemical reactions & physiological processes which transform food into bo >>>
Reproductive efficiency of the animal is an important factor for the success of any dairy farm. Among other nutrients minerals play very important role in maintaining reproductive he >>>
Bioavailability of mineral is also influenced by the concentration of other minerals in the diet. For example, high levels of sulfur or molybdenum interfere with copper absorption. >>>