Need of balanced ration for dairy animals
It has often been pointed out that productivity of milch animals in India is very >>>
It has often been pointed out that productivity of milch animals in India is very >>>
The Lumpy Skin Disease is range from acute and severe to subclinical and is characterized by pyrexia, lymphadenopathy and skin nodules. The lesions can affect internal organs such as the stomach >>>
Heat stress has effects on physiological variables like rectal temperature, respiration rate, feed and water intake of animals. It changes the serum biochemical >>>
Semen of domestic animals is one of the biological materials which is kept stored in liquid nitrogen gas for very long periods. >>>
Agriculture along with animal husbandry has been and will continue to be the lifeline of >>>
A method of growing plants using mineral nutrient solutions, in water, without soil is Hydroponics (soil-less culture) a part of hydroculture. Fish waste, normal nutrients, or duck manure, solution with or without the use of artificial media used as a nutrients in hydroponics. >>>
This disease is prevalent in most of countries of world. In India this disease is continuously growing at very fast pace among animals. This disease transmits at very fast pace from one animal to other animal. >>>
Vermi compost is nothing but the excreta of earthworms which is rich in humus. We >>>
About 70% of the body weight of the animals is made out of water. Water is very much needed for various vital activities such as metabolic processes; excretion of metabolic wastes; transport of enzymes and ions; maintenance of blood volume and blood pressure; thermoregulation; buffering agents and lubrication. >>>
Among infertility cases the incidence of repeat breeding cows was around 16 per cent and contribution of subclinical endometritis is major proportion in repeat breeding cows >>>
Udder edema is the accumulation of fluid in the udder and sometimes also in the cow’s belly. Some edema is normal around calving time. But, excessive edema will make milking more difficult and can do permanent damage by breaking down udder supports. >>>
Vaccination is very effective manner to decrease of burden of disease in farm animals to ensure both animal and farmer welfare. They play an essential role in preventative health care and control of diseases in animals. >>>
Retention of fetal membrane or retention of placenta or retention of cleansing is defined as failure to expel fetal membranes within 24 hours of parturition. Retained placenta is a condition in which all or a part of the placenta or membranes remain in the uterus during the third stage of labour. >>>
India is a country with characteristically rural majority having more than 50% of its population residing in rural areas out of which 70 percent of its rural households depend primarily on agriculture for their livelihood, with 82 percent of farmers being small and marginal. >>>