Udder Edema in Dairy Cows
Udder edema is also known as caked udder, is mostly a disease of dairy cattle, is usually acute characterised by an excessive accumulation of fluid in the interstitial tissue spaces. >>>
Udder edema is also known as caked udder, is mostly a disease of dairy cattle, is usually acute characterised by an excessive accumulation of fluid in the interstitial tissue spaces. >>>
Milk is the complete food. It contains in a balanced form of all the necessary and digestable elements for building and maintaining the human and animal body. In addition, it contains immunoglobulins which protect the newly born against a number of diseases’. >>>
t time to prep yourself to jump into the water, and get your hand dirty in the mud pool while rowing your own tiny, paper boats over the little streams of water flowing beside .monsoon is a blissful season with onset of monsoon the environment is subject to fatalities like flood and in such a case, it cause severe loss to the mankin, flora and the fauna. >>>
Record keeping is one of the utmost important part of dairy business. The success or failure of any business is highly dependent on efficiency of record keeping. Dairy farming is one of the most adoptable business of rural areas of India but the major setback of dairy farming is that people of rural area do not adopt it as business. They rear animals for their household need, not as profession. >>>
According to Research Paper by Global lightning death fatalities by Ronald L Holle in 2016 in India every year 1,755 animals death are due to lightning strike. >>>
With an ongoing debate about the nutritional value and effects of A1 and A2 milk, a bunch of companies has laid out some research findings and studies concluding with the harm induced by A1 milk while enumerating the benefits of A2 milk. Casein dominates a large part (80%) of the total protein content in milk. The milk is made up of several kinds of casein of which, beta casein is the most common. A1 beta casein is found in cows originating in the US, New Zealand, Australia, and Northern Europe, while A2 beta casein appears in the milk produced by traditional cows found in India and Africa. >>>
Rumen is a natural fermentative anaerobic system which should be manipulated essentially by altering the composition of rumen microflora. There is ample scope to manipulate the rumen by feeding local plants or tree leaves or agro industrial byproducts to defaunate the animals for improving its productivity. >>>
The Government is promoting Chakroi in RS Pura, as a milk village with an aim >>>
Under normal circumstances, a bovine spends about 9-10 hours in standing position and 14-15 hours while resting on a comfortable floor. A completely healthy milking cow or buffalo can continuously remain in a decumbent position for 30 minutes to four hours. If she remains accumbent for longer periods or she doesn’t even make an attempt to rise, then, a serious problem could be guessed. >>>
Phospholipid (PL) is ubiquitous and is essential for the lipid bilayer of cells. Phospholipids are lipids containing phosphorus, a polar potion, and non-polar potion in their structures. >>>
Despite contributing majorly in household chores and being the predominant players in dairying farming activities >>>
When a heifer calves for the first time, she has to experience a set of completely new maneuvers. Since she is not accustomed to these procedures, she can pose great threat to her handlers. The very first milking after calving is mostly uneventful in pluriparous animals. However, the farmer could lead himself into trouble once a heifer at his farm calves. >>>
Abstract Indian livestock sector with its vast animal genetic resources and highest milk production continues >>>
Assessing the level of heat stroke is important to prevent or reduce production losses due to heat stress or even prevent mortality in severe cases. >>>