Milk fever in cattle: A general overview
Milk fever is a common metabolic or production disease found in high producing dairy cows. It generally occurs within 24 hours postpartum but can occur up to 2-3 days post calving. >>>
Milk fever is a common metabolic or production disease found in high producing dairy cows. It generally occurs within 24 hours postpartum but can occur up to 2-3 days post calving. >>>
The term ‘downer’ appeared in print as early as 1905 to describe debilitated cattle in the slaughterhouses of Chicago. The more specific term ‘downers cow’ first appeared in Veterinary literature >>>
Milk fever is a disorder of dairy cows occurring close to calving or within 48-72 hours after calving. It is a metabolic disease caused by a low ionized blood calcium level (Hypocalcaemia) >>>
Downer cow is any cow which was down in sternal recumbency for more than 24 hours. The downers cow syndrom can be defined as a condition occurring following parturient paresis characterized clinical >>>