Сhhurрi/ Durkhа: The Newest Suрerfооd Heаlth Buzz
The two varieties of chhurpi are: A soft variety (consumed usually as a side dish with rice) and a hard variety (chewed like a betel nut) >>>
The two varieties of chhurpi are: A soft variety (consumed usually as a side dish with rice) and a hard variety (chewed like a betel nut) >>>
Milk is nutrient rich, white liquid food produced by the mammary glands of mammals. The two major proteins in milk are casein and whey Casein is the chief component of milk proteins (80 percent of protein) of which about 30-35 percent is beta-casein. >>>
Can milk be made in a laboratory without any cows? and can it be as nutritious as natural milk? TurtleTree Labs, the world’s first startup to develop lab-grown milk with the same composition as real dairy milk without any cows >>>
The Vice President, Shri M Venkaiah Naidu today suggested that milk could be given either as part of breakfast or the mid-day meal in order to improve the nutritional levels of children. >>>
Feeding of milk replacer also improves the overall health of kids. Ammonia concentration decreased and total volatile fatty acids increased with milk replacer >>>
Himachal Pradesh Chief Minister Jai Ram Thakur today launched Nutritional Immunity Boosting ‘Him Haldi Dudh >>>
Mastitis is the most widespread and costly disease in dairy cattle occurring throughout the world. It is of particular concern for farmers in developing >>>
Milk is the complete food. It contains in a balanced form of all the necessary and digestable elements for building and maintaining the human and animal body. In addition, it contains immunoglobulins which protect the newly born against a number of diseases’. >>>
With an ongoing debate about the nutritional value and effects of A1 and A2 milk, a bunch of companies has laid out some research findings and studies concluding with the harm induced by A1 milk while enumerating the benefits of A2 milk. Casein dominates a large part (80%) of the total protein content in milk. The milk is made up of several kinds of casein of which, beta casein is the most common. A1 beta casein is found in cows originating in the US, New Zealand, Australia, and Northern Europe, while A2 beta casein appears in the milk produced by traditional cows found in India and Africa. >>>
The Government is promoting Chakroi in RS Pura, as a milk village with an aim >>>
Phospholipid (PL) is ubiquitous and is essential for the lipid bilayer of cells. Phospholipids are lipids containing phosphorus, a polar potion, and non-polar potion in their structures. >>>
Prani Bikas Dhara, a monthly magazine on Animal Husbandry sector published in ODIA language and >>>
The ICAR-National Research Centre on Camel, Bikaner, Rajasthan organized a “Virtual Interaction Meet on the occasion of World Milk Day” with >>>
With the country fighting Covid-19 pandemic and under lockdown, availability of essentials like food and >>>