Five Point Check- a decision making tool during deworming of Small Ruminants
Internal parasites cause many ill affects among the ruminants and domestic animals. They cause severe economic losses to the animal husbandry in a numerous ways. >>>
Internal parasites cause many ill affects among the ruminants and domestic animals. They cause severe economic losses to the animal husbandry in a numerous ways. >>>
Krishi Vigyan Kendra Cuttack, a unit of ICAR-National Rice Research Institute, Cuttack organized a capacity-building program for grass root level extension functionaries on “Advances in Sheep and Goat Management” from 1-5 August 2022 at its Santhapur campus. >>>
Livestock sector is one of the important sources of income and employment to rural people. Both livestock and agriculture are very much dependent on each other >>>
In Ladakh region of India, sheep and goat rearing is the core activity of rural masses and plays a vital role in socio- economic upliftment of weaker sections of the society. Sheep play an important >>>
An improved variety of Macherla sheep were distributed to rural farmers in Guntur district to improve their livelihood during COVID-19 crisis. >>>
Changthangi sheep is a native breed of Changthang region of Ladakh and is locally called as Changluk sheep. This sheep is mainly reared by a nomadic tribe called Changpa along with Pashmina producin >>>
Sheep are the excellent converter of grass into meat and wool. They do not require high cost building to house them and require less labor as compared to other kinds of livestock. Sheep possess a sp >>>
Pregnancy toxemia: This is a metabolic disease and also known as Preparturient Paralysis, Lambing paralysis, Twin lamb disease, Twining kid diseases, Twinning Disease, Pregnancy ketosis, Sleepy sickness, Ante partum paralysis. >>>
The technological intervention of supplementary feeding through milk replacer in lambs can address these issues ensuring optimum weight gain and health. >>>
Rooftop Hydroponic Sheep Farming- New scientific production systems which urban areas are evolving on rooftop i.e., vertical farming that are soil free, focus >>>
Principal Secretary Animal, Sheep Husbandry, Fisheries and Cooperative departments, Jammu and Kashmir Mr. Navin Kumar Choudhary today stressed that integrated development of schemes is the need of the hour. He asked the departments to upgrade the infrastructure and utilize it fully to extract maximum benefit out of it. >>>
According to, Functional Food Science in Europe (FUFOSE) : “A food that beneficially affects one or more target functions in the body beyond adequate nutritional effects in a way that is relevant to either an improved state of health and well-being and /or reduction of risk of disease”. >>>
The family named Karigar, is the well-known example for Sheep rearing activities from past 5 generations in this region. Their ancestors around first >>>