Pneumonia in Veterinary practice
Pneumonia is the inflammation of the pulmonary or lung parenchyma. It is usually accompanied by bronchitis and pleurisy. If pneumonia accompanied by bronchitis is called as bronchopneumonia >>>
Pneumonia is the inflammation of the pulmonary or lung parenchyma. It is usually accompanied by bronchitis and pleurisy. If pneumonia accompanied by bronchitis is called as bronchopneumonia >>>
Principal Secretary Animal, Sheep Husbandry, Fisheries and Cooperative departments, Jammu and Kashmir Mr. Navin Kumar Choudhary today stressed that integrated development of schemes is the need of the hour. He asked the departments to upgrade the infrastructure and utilize it fully to extract maximum benefit out of it. >>>
The family named Karigar, is the well-known example for Sheep rearing activities from past 5 generations in this region. Their ancestors around first >>>
Foot rot or “infectious pododermatitis” is a hoof infection found in sheep, goats, and cattle. In this infection the toes of a >>>
Peste des Petits Ruminants (PPR) is a devastating viral disease of small ruminants for decades that predominantly target sheep and goats. >>>
Uttarakhand would now spin out the high-quality Australian sheep wool in the hills and cater >>>
25 – 26 November 2019: The ICAR-Central Sheep and Wool Research Institute (CSWRI), Avikanagar organized >>>