International Organizations Recognize Dr. Chatli, Dean COVS, Rampura Phul


International Register of Certificate Auditors (IRCA) and Charted Quality Institute, United Kingdom has recognised Dr. Manish Kumar Chatli, Dean, College of Veterinary Science Rampura Phul of GADVASU, Ludhiana as Lead Auditor for Food Safety and Management System (FSMS). Prof. Chatli is constantly working for the welfare of the livestock farmers to improve their livelihood with quality production of livestock products, value addition, packaging and marketing. He was successfully associated with 27 research projects in his career as Principal Investigator (PI) or Co-PI funded by various agencies Department of Science & Technology, Department of Biotechnology, Ministry of Food Processing Industries, Punjab Livestock Development Board, National Livestock Mission, ICAR, UGC, RKVY etc.

International Organizations Recognize Dr Chatli, Dean COVS, Rampura Phul

He has pioneered the research work on the development of bioactive biodegradable packaging films and established a bioactive peptide research group wherein extraction, purification and identification of multifunctional bioactive peptides from milk/meat/ egg industry byproducts. He has developed various novel health oriented (low-fat/low-cholesterol/low-calorie/omega-3 fatty acid rich/fiber enriched) milk, meat and egg-based products (egg jams/egg sauce or chutneys/egg nuggets/egg paneer/egg drink concentrates). He has transferred 19 technologies to small and medium entrepreneurs. He has successfully organized more than 70 trainings/Entrepreneurship Development Programmes/Model Training Courses, and Industry-Academia-Farmer Interface, webinars etc. for the benefit of the farmers, unemployed youth and entrepreneurs. He has published 2 patents, 8 books, 20 book chapters, 46 manuals/compendiums/research reports and more than 165 scientific research articles in peer reviewed journals of high impact factor. He is a Fellow of National Academy of Veterinary Science, Indian Poultry Science Association & Indian Association of Advancement in Veterinary Research. He is Vice President and Fellow of Indian Meat Science Association also since 2016.

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Dr. Inderjeet Singh, Vice Chancellor, GADVASU has congratulated Dr Manish Chatli for his endeavours and asserted the farmers to go for processing of livestock products to have better returns.

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