Grants for Animal Husbandry Sector


Animal Husbandry is a State subject. The State Governments are responsible for arranging the animal feed for the good health of livestock including the necessary financial requirements.  The Central Government is supplementing efforts made by the State Government. Different States have introduced their own programmes to make available required animal feed for livestock.   Also, the schemes, ‘National Livestock Mission’ and ‘Animal Husbandry Infrastructure Development Fund’ implemented by Central Government enable the livestock owners for increased availability of animal feed.

The Central Government is implementing the Scheme National Livestock Mission (NLM). The Sub-mission on Feed and Fodder Development is being implemented under NLM, aiming towards encouraging entrepreneurs for establishment of fodder Block/Hay Bailing/Silage Making Units by providing 50% subsidy up to Rs.50 lakh. The Individuals, Self Help Group (SHG), Farmers Cooperative Organizations (FCOs), Joint Liability Groups(JLG), Farmers Producers Organizations(FPOs), and Section 8 companies are eligible to get benefit. Also the Central Government is providing assistance for development of seed multiplication chain for production of quality fodder seed.

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Besides, Animal Husbandry Infrastructure Development Fund (AHIDF), a flagship scheme of DAHD (of Rs. 15,000 crores), under which Eligible Entities (EE). i.e. individual entrepreneurs, private companies, FPOs, MSMEs and Section 8 companies are incentivised for the establishment of Animal Feed manufacturing plants and strengthening of existing units/ plant in the categories such as Establishment of Mini, Medium and Large Animal Feed Plant, Total Mixed Ration Block Making Unit, By pass protein unit, Enrich Silage making unit, Feed supplement/ Feed premixes/ Mineral Mixture Plant and Animal Feed Testing Laboratory. Eligible Entities can avail loan upto 90% of the project cost for establishment of the feed manufacturing unit. The Central Government provides 3.0% interest subvention with two years moratorium.

The State Governments can also avail benefit under Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana for setting up of Animal feed plant.

The arrangement of cow shed is vested on the State Governments. As per information, many State Governments are implementing schemes for establishment of cow sheds. Besides, the Animal Welfare Board of India is also providing shelter grants to the Animal Welfare Organizations and Gaushalas to keep the stray and unproductive animals.

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The following schemes are being implemented by the Central Government to provide grants for animal husbandry to animal rearers:

(i) Development Programmes: (i) Rashtriya Gokul Mission for development of cattle and buffalo breeds, (ii) National Programme for Dairy Development (NPDD) for dairy development, (iii) National Livestock Mission (NLM) for development of sheep, goat, pig, poultry and feed and fodder and (iv) Livestock Census and Integrated Sample Survey (LC & ISS) for carrying out of Census and sample survey.

(ii) Disease Control programme: for providing assistance for control of animal diseases like Foot and Mouth Disease, Brucellosis, Classical Swine Fever, Peste des petits Ruminants (PPR) and also to provide assistance to State Governments for Control of other infectious diseases.

 (iii) Infrastructure Development Fund: The Animal Husbandry Infrastructure Development fund (AHIDF) (ii) Dairy Infrastructure Development Fund (DIDF) (iii) Support to Dairy Cooperatives and Farmer Producer Organizations engaged in Dairy activities. These schemes incentivize to establish and strengthen the Dairy Processing and Value Addition Infrastructure, Meat Processing and Value Addition Infrastructure, Animal Feed Plant and Breed Multiplication Farms which are technologically improved. This information was given by Union Minister for Fisheries, Animal Husbandry & Dairying, Shri Parshottam Rupala in a written reply in Lok Sabha today.

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