Deputation Appointment of Veterinary Scientist in Wildlife Institute of India


Applications are invited from eligible in-service Veterinary Officers working in Universities/ Institutions/ State/Central Governments for filling up of 01 (One) post of Manager which may be at the level of Scientist E or Scientist F level for appointment on deputation in Wildlife Institute of India (WII) Dehradun as per the details given below:

Post and Pay scale Qualifications and Experience
Scientist – E

Pay Matrix: Level 13 (Rs. 1,23,100-2,15,900/-)

Essential Qualification(s):

Masters’ Degree in Veterinary Sciences with a minimum of 13 years of Service.

Scientist – F

Pay Matrix: Level 13A (Rs. 1,31,100-2,16,600/-)

Essential Qualification(s):

Masters’ Degree in Veterinary Sciences with a minimum of 14 years of Service.

Desirable Qualification(s): Ph.D. in Veterinary Sciences/Animal Physiology/ Immunology/ Life Sciences/Animal Sciences. Experience in Animal reproduction/bird husbandry. Candidate with experience in managing captive animal facilities and medical care of wildlife shall be preferred. Preference to candidates having experience/exposure and practice/training in bird (bustard) Breeding Husbandry will be given.

Age: Not exceeding 55 years as on last date of receipt of application.

Tenure, Terms and Conditions: The period of deputation shall initially be for a period of three years which shall be extendable upto further two years as per GOI guidelines issued from time to time and upon the exigencies of work at sole discretion of the Institute and satisfactory performance.

Duty Station: The duty station shall be located inside the GIB habitat in the State of Rajasthan. Travel to WII, Dehradun and other GIB project sites would be required and any other place in India as may be required by the Institute.

Last Date of Receipt of Applications: Application should reach the office of Director, Wildlife Institute of India, Chandrabani, Dehradun – 248 001 latest by Monday, 26th August 2019 in an envelope super-scribed with ‘Application for the post of Veterinary Scientist on deputation for the GIB-CBC’.

Interview Date: Shortlisted candidates shall be informed to appear for personal interview on Wednesday, 4th September, 2019 at Wildlife Institute of India, Chandrabani, Dehradun.


  1. How to Apply: Application should be on A4 size plain paper, typed and sent by Registered Post/Courier or hand delivered so as to reach the office of the Director, Wildlife Institute of India, Chandrabani, Dehradun – 248 001, Uttarakhand. The envelope should be super-scribed with “Application for the post of Veterinary Scientist on deputation for the GIB-CBC”. The application should give complete details namely (1) Name in full in Block letters (2) Date of Birth (3) Father’s /Husband Name (4) Address for correspondence including mobile no., fax and email id (5) Educational/professional qualifications indicating clearly examination passed, year of passing, university, subjects, marks obtained (6) Details of previous employment in chronological order specifying specialization or specialized experience acquired, if any (attach certificates, where necessary) (7) Present pay level, position held, basic pay and total emoluments drawn (8) Any other information (including conviction in or trial being faced in a criminal case) (9) A certificate to the effect that all information furnished is true to the best of knowledge of the applicant and (10) Applicant’s signature with
  2. Applicants should send their applications through proper channel. However, an advance copy of application may be
  3. The concerned department/organization should enclose vigilance clearance certificate and attested copies of Annual Performance Appraisal Reports (APAR) of the officers for the last five years while forwarding the applications of the candidates. It may also be certified that the particulars furnished by the candidate are correct and no disciplinary case is pending or proceedings are contemplated. It should also be certified that the officer selected for deputation assignment at WII would be released by the
  4. The Institute reserves the right not to fill up the vacancy if the circumstances so warrant in the interest of the
  5. The Director, Wildlife Institute of India, Dehradun reserves the right to reject any or all applications without assigning any reason(s)
  6. Other Terms & Conditions for Deputation Appointment of Veterinary Scientist is attached as Annexure-1.

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