Pneumonia in Goats


In India, goat rearing is well integrated with farming system and in traditionally called as “poor man’s cow”. Goats are mainly reared by land less labors, marginal farmers who earn their livelihood through meat and milk. It became valuable assets to farmers and plays a pivotal role in the upliftment of their socio-economic status in society. However, many times the disease burden, morbidity and mortality push them on back foot due to financial loss affecting their economy.

Pneumonia refers to the inflammation of the lung and accompany with inflammation of larger bronchioles are referred as bronchopneumonia. Pneumonia is the vital disease mainly causes huge losses to sheep and goat rearing farmers during the rainy and winter season.0-6 months age group goat kids were highly affected by pneumonia. Animal age, sex, sudden change in the  environment, immunity stress and agent associated factor are mainly predisposing factor for occurrence of pneumonia in goats. This agent mainly bacteria, viral, parasitic and sometimes mycoplasma causes pneumonia. Wide ranges of bacteria involved for predisposing factor for pneumonia like Pasteurella multocida, Mannheimia haemolytica, Corynebacterium pyogenes, Streptococcus pneumoniae, Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Salmonella, Micrococcus, Mycobacterium bovis etc are recorded. Viral diseases like PPR, parainfluenza virus type-3, adenovirus, respiratory syncytial virus and caprine arthitis and encephalitis. Parasite is lung worm and some time aspiration pneumonia also causes.

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Clinical sign
Dull, depression, Sneezing coughing, dyspnoea, Bilateral mucopurelent nasal discharge, congested mucous membrane, Fever, Tachycardia, tachypnea, Hurried abdominal respiration, On lung auscultation there was crackle, rale sound observed, Anorexia and Depression.

The pneumonic goat showing congested mucous membrane
The pneumonic goat showing mucopurulent nasal discharge


  1. Based on clinical signs:
  2. Based laboratory observation:
  3. Isolation and identification of bacteria in pneumonic goats by nasal swabs and culture it with specific media. Haematology and blood gas analysis also help in diagnosis of the pneumonia weather it is bacterial, viral or parasitic origin and also helps in confirmation of the lung capacity of air.
  4. Radiography : On radiographical examination cotton wool like appearance on lung lobe give the conformation of pneumonia in goats
  5. Ultrasonography, PCR, Lung auscultation also help in diagnosis and differentiate of pneumonia in goats.
Complete hameolysis observed on blood agar and methylene blue stain shows bipolar organism indicate the Mannheimia spp.
On radio-graphic examination Cotton wool like appearance on lung lobe of pneumonic goats

Differential diagnosis: Pulmonary adenocarcinoma, pleural abscess, pulmonary caseous lymphadenitis etc.


  1. Broad acting antibiotic: FDA-approved antibiotic to treat caprine pneumonia is Ceftiofur and Penicillin, ampicillin, tetracycline, oxytetracycline, tylosin and florfenicol nowadays enrofloxacin marbofloxacin moxifloxacin also used as parenteral route for 3-5days for recovery.
  2. Bronchodilator : it is a substance help in dilates the bronchi or bronchioles so help in descresing the resistance in respiratory airway. Some are albeutrol, salbutamol, theophylline aminophylline etc. Used in medication via parenteral in the pneumonic condition of the goats
  3. Nebulization: Now days like neubulization is used as therapy to recovery of pneumonic goats. In nebulization salbutamol, other antibiotic, mucolytic agent were used for faster recovery. This is a method for penitration of drugs for affected area and also help for faster recovery compare to parenteral route.
  4. Supportive therapy: The other drug like corticosteroid, NASID, Anthistamine other drug also given for 4-5 days for complete recovery of the animals.
ALSO READ :  Pseudo-pregnancy in Goats
The pneumonic goat treated under neubulization therapy

Prevention and control
Minimize transportation stress.Good quality of hay, food water supplement to the goats. reducing crowding and good ventilation and shelter should be provided.


  1. SMITH, C. and SHERMAN, D., 2009. Respiratory system. In: Goat medicine. Edn.2nd. A John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Publication. Pp:339-376
  2. SUSTRONCK, B., DEPREZ, P. and MUYLLE, E., 1995. Evaluation of the nebulisation of sodium ceftiofur in the treatment of experimental Pasteurella haemolytica bronchopneumonia in calves. Res. Vet. Sci., 59: 267-271.
  3. Goat pneumonia- wikipedia

The content of the articles are accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge. It is not meant to substitute for diagnosis, prognosis, treatment, prescription, or formal and individualized advice from a veterinary medical professional. Animals exhibiting signs and symptoms of distress should be seen by a veterinarian immediately.

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  1. Awesome information with so much detailed information. Very useful Article for field vets. Wishing to see more of these in future . All the best 👍

  2. Very good article with recent updates. Which helps in day to day cases

  3. Very informative article mam…. really helpful for field veterinarians… thankyou

  4. I think in bronchopneumonia we can also see bronchoalveolar pattern in radiography… And overall article tells a brief information about the condition pneumonia.. Which we encounter majorly in our field practice.. Informative and well presented👍

  5. Nicely in a short way well explained , highly informative article.

  6. Nice, informative.
    Are there any ethnoveterinary practices to handle pneumonia cases?
    Because ethnoveterinary practices are more handy and well accepted by farmers in the remote villages; they are economically viable too.
    Sheffords have there own ways to handle pneumonia cases, I think we should also compile their knowledge to improve our knowledge.
    Good luck.

  7. Nice, informative.
    Are there any ethnoveterinary practices to handle pneumonia cases?
    Because ethnoveterinary practices are more handy and well accepted by farmers in remote rural areas; they are economically viable too.
    Sheffords have there own ways to handle pneumonia cases, I think we should also compile there knowledge to improve our knowledge.
    Good luck.

  8. Very useful article for everyone. Im also got basic information from this article.. Thank you Dr.Trupti kattimani

  9. Good work Dr.Trupti. It covers all the important information. Good and concised one. Keep going. Good luck

  10. The article may help full to people around India. Well done medum Dr.Trupri Kattimani.

  11. Well wrritten and informative article to read and know about this disease.

  12. Doctor among morbofloxacin and ceftiofur.. which is the more efficient one… Quoted good information which is helpful to many practitioner….

  13. It is helpful too many people…. Well done doctor…. Keep it up….👍
    Very nice article

  14. Very nice information…. It is helpful too many people…. Well done doctor…. Keep it up….👍

  15. Very nice information…. It is helpful too many people…. Well done doctor…. Keep it up….👍

  16. Very nice information…. It will help too many people… Keep it up doctor….
    Very good doctor 👍

  17. Good informative and field oriented and practicaly usefull in Pneumonia cases in Sheep and Goat

  18. Very good article covering broad and basic information regarding Pneumonia in sheep and goats, a major concern in sheep and goat rearing.

  19. Very informative and field oriented Article.Goat Pneumonia causing high loss in our country… Valuable able article for field vets…

  20. Nice information regarding the disease and it’s treatment and management.

  21. Thanks for carrying the animals life .this one is the best article written by Dr.T.Kattimani.

  22. Useful article. Hope goat farming people get some useful idea about this kind of diseases.

  23. Useful article. Goat farming people will get idea about this kind of diseases.

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