World Egg Day 2020 celebrated for creating awareness about the wonder food


Egg is a wonder food providing 6-7 gram of high quality protein and 14 essential nutrients. It is a rich source of nine essential amino acids, essential fatty acids, calcium, phosphorus, choline, folate, vitamin A, B and D, iron, zinc, selenium and many more nutrients. Krishi Vigyan Kendra, ICAR-National Rice Research Institute, Cuttack celebrated World Egg Day in collaboration with E-Planet Journal and Prani Bikas Dhara Magazine on 9th October 2020.


An awareness quiz was held to familiarize with the facts about the egg by Google Forms where 842 individuals from across the country participated. In the evening, an online awareness program was held on different topics related to Eggs, i.e. Role of egg in food and nutritional security, Egg: the wonder food, important tips for rearing backyard & commercial poultry presented by Dr Sarada Prasanna Sahoo from Central Cattle Breeding Farm, Sunabeda, Dr Ranjan Kumar Mohanta from KVK Cuttack and Dr Satyanarayan Swain  from Central Poultry Development Organisation, Mumbai, respectively.

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In the webinar, Dr Subrata Kumar Bhanja, the Chief Editor of Indian Journal of Poultry Science and Head, Poultry Housing and Management Division, ICAR-Central Avian Research Institute, Izatnagar briefed about the importance of egg in our daily life. Dr Dipankar Maiti, Director, ICAR-National Rice Research Institute, Cuttack presided over the function and advocated for the use of egg for its quality and quantity attributes.

Dr GAK Kumar, Head, Social Science Division and Dr Ranjit Samantaray, Editor-in-Chief, E-Planet Journal as guests of honour threw light on different aspects of egg. Dr Sujata Sethy welcomed the participants and Dr Dillip Ranjan Sarangi offered vote of thanks assisted by Dr Tusar Ranjan Sahoo and KVK Cuttack team. About 175 farmers, farm women, students, extension officials and intellectuals across country participated in the final program.

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