Impact of bird flu on poultry industry and guidelines for safe consumption of poultry meat and eggs


Now in parallel to corona pandemic, another threat bird flu outbreak arises in India. It has been reported in various states like Kerala, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh, Haryana, Gujarat, Uttar Pradesh etc. Avian influenza (AI), as per World Organization for Animal Health (OIE), is defined as an infection of poultry caused by any influenza A virus of the H5 or H7 subtypes. These viruses are divided into high pathogenicity avian influenza viruses and low pathogenicity avian influenza viruses. Strains of Avian influenza virus primarily infect birds, but can also infect humans and other animals. Influenza virus causes severe respiratory disease in birds. Infected birds can shed avian influenza A viruses in their saliva, nasal secretions, and feces and other Susceptible birds pick up the virus through the contact of sheded secretion or contaminated surface with virus from infected birds.

Present status of bird flu

In early phase of corona pandemic where huge loss has been noticed due to misconception about the spread of virus through poultry meat and eggs suggested by various social media similar kind of situation happen as now of with bird flu. Here in current bird flu situation there has not been a single report of mortality due to bird flu in the organized poultry sector, and the reports have been about deaths of crows, migratory birds and geese. National Institute of High Security Animal Disease (NIHSAD) lab, Bhopal diagnosed two strains of influenza viruses and confirmed bird flu. They are H5N8, a sub-type of avian influenza found in poultry and wild animals, has been found in crows in Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh. The second strain found is H5N1 in ducks in Kerala and migratory birds in Himachal.

ALSO READ :  Impact of Avian Flu on Poultry Industry

Impact on poultry industry

Earlier also bird flu hampers the poultry industry in a big way. To ensure spread control and safety, several places where bird flu reported, bans import of live birds and closes poultry and egg market too. Due to baseless social information or viral messages, panic condition perceived among consumers refuses to purchase that lead to fall of demand. As per fall of demand, poultry producers as expected dropped their product price. According to meat and poultry vendors, traders are picking up less stock due to the sudden drop in the demand. “The entire supply chain will be affected. Dip in sales has been noted not only in suffered region but other region too. Culling of poultry from the infected zone represents direct loss.

Guidelines for safe consumption of poultry meat and eggs

Still No human infection has been reported in India so far. However, it can be spread through close contact and consumption of uncooked or not properly cooked egg and meat of infected birds. For minimize the losses to the poultry industry, government also providing guidelines. WHO recommended that to make it safe for consumption, poultry meat and egg should be cooked properly. The influenza virus is susceptible to heat; hence cooking food at normal cooking temperature of 70 °C can destroy the virus in food. Hygiene practice should be applied during entire preparation to ensure complete safety. Department of animal husbandry and dairying, government of India has issued an advisory that poultry meat cooked at more than 70ºC temperatures for 30 minutes inactivates the virus and it is absolutely safe to consume properly cooked poultry meat and eggs. They also encourage hygienic way of slaughtering, dressing and packing of chicken meat. Consumers should also be aware of the risk of cross-contamination. During food preparation, raw poultry and poultry products should never be allowed to mix with items eaten raw. The poultry farmers associations, cooperatives, NECC, APEDA, etc. should also be actively involved in this awareness process.

ALSO READ :  Avian Tuberculosis: An Update

Therefore awareness related to bird flu in the general public should be made taking care that no panic is created among consumer. This will be minimizing the losses and boost the poultry industry too.

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