Role of Veterinarian activities for enhance the economy of the livestock farmer in rural areas


Farmers are the backbone of Indian agricultural activities. Livestock are the backbone to the farmers. They provide drought power, milk, meat, wool, hide, skin, manure and eggs to farmers. The livestock is aid and supporter for the farmer for daily livelihood. Since ancient times, Indian farmers are dependent on the livestock in many aspects such as cattle and buffaloes for milk purpose, bulls work under the farming and used as draft purpose, sheep and goats rear for the wool, meat, manure purposes and backyard poultry in rural areas rear for the egg and meat production. Now the livestock production gives many importance for the economy of the farmer as well as large scale farming. In Indian economy, livestock contributes 4.11%  GDP per year. Many young youth and unemployed persons are doing animal husbandry activities with the proper guidelines of the Veterinarian for their livelihood and employment.

Now Veterinarian plays a major role by giving awareness and technical support to the farmers to double or increase income from livestock production. The Veterinarian not only involve in  the treatment and health aspect but also educate the farmer about the farming activities which will help the farmer to increase income  as well as health status of the family. Now days due to COVID 19 many young youth become jobless. Animal husbandry activities are the turning point of life to hope for the employment and income generation activities in the villages.

The Veterinarian gives many activities other than animal treatment such as fodder and minikit distribution, demonstration training in rural village areas. One day training program about the sheep and goat rearing in rural youth as well as women’s. Backyard poultry farming for enhance the economy and health status of small scale farmer. Conducting of different types of camps such as deworming, vaccination, health camps for repeat breeder animals. By this camps Veterinarian can interact the people and solve the problem which is facing during the rearing of different species.

Some of the important activities which are for the benefit of rural employment generation in rural part are as follows…

1. Short term training programmes for rural women and youth

This type of training programmes are conducted in collaboration with KVK, NGOs, rural development agencies, farmers training institutes etc to create awareness and self employment generation activities to rural women and youth. Dairy farming, calf rearing, Sheep farming, goat farming, backyard poultry farming, milk and milk products preservation and marketing like interested need based subjects are teach in the local languages after that field visit will be done for  the practical demonstration of farming activities.

Interaction of youth trainees with successful farmer and veterinarian about dairy farming
Interaction of youth trainees with successful farmer and veterinarian about dairy farming

2. Camps

Many camps such as animal health camp, fertility camps such programmes done by the Veterinarian every year. The intension of these camps to encourage the farmer for animal husbandry programme. In health camps, general check of the animals and treatment will be given to unhealthy animals. Deworming, vaccination and solutions of some problems related to animals. Minor and major surgeries conduct and done by specialist. In these camps, Deworming and mineral mixture distribution given to the farmers. In fertility camps,  pregnancy diagnosis should done and treatment for repeat breeder or reproduction problem. Some of the C section, other surgery conduction with the help of specialist during these camps and Castration done in  male animals.

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3. Deworming camps

Endoparasitic infestation is one of the basic common health affection in animals. It will cause the poor body condition, rough hair coat, diarrhoea, foul smelling faeces, weakness, pot belly condition in calves, stunted growth, hide and bone condition and anaemic status and death may occurs  in severe infestation. Veterinarian conduct the awareness and deworming camps will helps to reduce the parasitic burden in animals and it will be beneficial activity in the farming. Most of the time Deworming camps done prior to the vaccination.

4. Vaccination camps

Vaccination should be done in proper channel, guidelines and in time before the disease outbreak. Some of the deadly disease controlled by vaccination such as HS,BQ, and Anthrax. Vaccination prevents the disease outbreak such as FMD, PPR, ET and HS. Regular vaccination promotes by vets and animal health and welfare and prevents the disease outbreak and there by helps farmer avoid unnecessary expenditure on animal treatment and health issues. Vaccination will helps in animal farming activities.

Veterinarian doing FMD vaccination programme in village and local body members inaugurated the programme
Veterinarian doing FMD vaccination programme in village and local body members inaugurated the programme

5. Demonstration type of training method

Some of the activities related to farming can be demonstrated in front of the rural farmer so that they can understand the work and use it for further. The Veterinarian can demonstrate many activities such as sheep wool shearing with machine, fodder cultivation, hydroponic fodder growing demonstration, dipping method in sheep and goats for the control of external parasites. Hygienic and clean milk production practice in cattle and buffaloes. These will help the farmer for proper knowledge and rearing the animals and growing fodder in efficient ways. By this way animals will be healthy and having good body score. By this way one can save the money for unnecessary wastage and earn in proper scientific method and increase the quality and quantity of milk, meat of the animals.

6. Kisansampark sabha and gram sabha

In this type of programmes Veterinarian will interact with farmers and discuss with various issues including different schemes, facilities which are for farmers from the State and Union Government which are relates to animal husbandry activities. The Veterinarian can also discuss about the zoonotic importance, proper hygiene, contagious origin disease outbreak such as FMD, lumpy skin disease. Control measures of disease outbreak and day to day problems in the managemental aspects of animal husbandry. It will helps farmer to get the answer for his problems related to animal rearing.

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Veterinarian attended Gram sabha conducted at village level
Veterinarian attended Gram sabha conducted at village level

7. Artificial insemination

This is one of the major and important role of every Veterinarian to enhance the production and reproduction of the animals intern increase income of the farmer. Veterinarian not only the treatment aspect but the productive work such as insemination program should be done. Nowadays the National Artificial Insemination Program (NAIP) started throughout the country. Main moto of this program are the upgrade the local non descript cattle and buffaloes Insemination with semen straws Gir, sahiwal, tharperkar and Murrah breeds. It will give the upgrade breeds in rural areas which will help the farmer to increase a source of asset by calves or milk production in future days.

Artificial insemination done by the Veterinarian to enhance productivity in the buffalo
Artificial insemination done by the Veterinarian to enhance productivity in the buffalo

8. Awareness speech by veterinarian in school and colleges

The speech given by veterinarian to students includes the awareness about deadly zoonotic diseases like Rabies, Leptospirosis, Anthrax, Tuberculosis, Q-fever and importance of animal farming in rural area as an income generating and employment generating activity. It will be a very effective communication. Veterinarian will celebrates Zoonosis day, Rabies day and Veterinary day by giving awareness speeches in the School and Colleges.

9. Mass media

Radio talk: The Veterinarian can give the radio talk on many subjects as a subject specialist which will help the farmer as a source of information such as scientific way of sheep and goat rearing, disease outbreak, seasonal care and management of livestock and control measures during disease at particular area. Some of Radio programmes are very much famous from audients and it is also a very effective way of communication which reaches large number of audients in short period. Veterinarians attend regularly to radio talks and talks on various issues related to animal husbandry farming and farm related issues.

Radio talk by the Veterinarian about awareness of Blue tongue disease in sheep and goats
Radio talk by the Veterinarian about awareness of Blue tongue disease in sheep and goats

Television show: The television especially doordarshan programme by Veterinarian to share the knowledge about the scientific rearing of animals, message relate to seasonal livestock management, dairy farming, sheep and goats farming, backyard poultry rearing for small scale farmer. In large scale farmer, layer and broilers rearing demonstration and solve the problem related animals rearing and health related issues.

Television show in krushidharshan local language program attended by the Veterinarian
Television show in krushidharshan local language program attended by the Veterinarian

Article on local magazine, social media: Many Veterinarian writing there experience and specific disease, rearing, feeding habits etc. which will be printed in regular magazine and read by many farmer which one can inspire newly educated farmers to rear the livestock. The livestock farmer take care the precautions for diseases and maintain the hygienic conditions which is written in the local language magazine by the expert of the Veterinarian.

10. Livestock insurance

It is one of most important work for the animals and to save the animal owner from the huge loss occur due to the death of the animals which may be due to accidental cause such as snake bite or natural calamities such as lighting stroke, floods and per acute diseases. Veterinarian educate the people for insured their animals for such conditions. Ear tagging compulsory for the animals for insurance and health and fitness certificate issued by the Veterinarian along with the premium amount and photos should be attached for further process.

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Insurance of buffalo done by Veterinarian for the security of farmer
Insurance of buffalo done by Veterinarian for the security of farmer

11. Calf rally

In calf rally, all calves in the particular village are bring to the particular point and from there based on characteristics of breeds, health status and age of breed and expert veterinarians will select the best calves based on morphological characters and prizes will be given to best one. In this deworming will be done to all calves. The main aim of this type of calf rally is to encourage the farmers for the rearing of calves and thereby increase in population of livestock in the villages. Calf rally organised by veterinarian in association with other agencies like Milk co-operative societies, village level co-operative societies, NGOs etc.

Calf rally organized in the village to promote the calf rearing in the village
Calf rally organized in the village to promote the calf rearing in the village


Veterinarian contributes to society in terms of animal health care and animal welfare. Not only had health care but also in terms of various activities which are more related to economical importance and employment generation in rural areas. As the population of country growing fast the demand for the animal protein and animal bi-products is more and more. Farmers should encash the demand by involving appropriate farming activities which are more economical, agriculture friendly and easily marketable. Dedicated Veterinarian and hard working animal farmers can achieve more in the society and it is the best combination for the more achievement.


  1. How to double the income of livestock farmers by Dr. Annarao Patil Pashudhan Praharee.
  2. How to double the income of livestock farmers Dr. Trupti Suryakant Kattimani Pashudhan Praharee.

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