Neonatal mortality in lambs and Kids
Scours is one of the prominent sign of neonatal mortality Causes Cryptosporidiosis It is a common cause of scours in new born lambs & kids between 5-15 days of... Read more.

Current and future alternative therapies for Repeat Breeding in Bovines
Repeat breeder cow/buffalo is an animal which has failed to become pregnant when bred three cycles continuously, to a fertile bull or by AI. The animal has appa... Read more.

Management of Parvovirus gastroenteritis in a Pup: A Case Report
A 5 week old Spitz pup suffering from diarrhea and vomiting was presented at Veterinary Hospital, Chaumuha, Mathura. Animal was dull, depressed and anorectic. I... Read more.

Post-operative care and Management of Obstetrical Cases
Post parturient Injuries and diseases in large animals Obstetric trauma to the genital tract also predisposes to infection, and where severe contusion has occur... Read more.

Induced Parturition and Elective Termination of Pregnancy in Animals
The induction of labor at or near term in domestic animals may be required for some physiologic and pathologic reasons. Planned deliveries allow closer attendan... Read more.

Management of postpartum Uterine Prolapse/ Eversion of Uterus in bovines
Postpartum Uterine Prolapse/ Eversion of Uterus in bovines occurs most commonly in cows immediately after parturition /occasionally upto several hours or days a... Read more.

Management of Prepartum Prolapse in Bovines
Protrusion of the whole or part of vagina through the vulva is called vaginal prolapse. It occurs mostly in late gestation (last 2 to 3 months of gestation) and... Read more.

Management of general Postpartum Complications of Bovines
Bruises, lacerations and rupture of birth canal Etiology Calving difficulties/ dystocia. Rough handling of the calf . Rough handling of the maternal tissues. Ca... Read more.

Vaccination Schedule for Farm and Companion Animals
Vaccination in farm and companion animals is an effective way to reduce disease prevalence and most important tool in maintaining health and welfare of animals.... Read more.

Management of various degrees of endometritis in dairy animals
Puerperal endometritis is an acute systemic illness due to infection of the uterus with bacteria mostly within 10 days after parturition. It is often associated... Read more.

Management of Postpartum uterine Infections
Most common Uterine complications is Pyometra which is characterized by the accumulation of purulent or muco-purulent material within the uterine lumen along wi... Read more.

Veterinarians Response to the COVID-19 crisis
Veterinarians have evolved themselves as frontline workers in many countries as they solemnly swear to use their scientific knowledge and skills for the benefit... Read more.

Management of Maternal Causes of Dystocia
Dystocia means difficult birth. It is an emergency. It necessitates its early handling by an obstetrician/V.O. in order to save the life of calf/ dam or both. C... Read more.

Management of fetal causes of Dystocia
Dystocia means difficult birth. It is an emergency condition and necessitates its early handling by an obstetrician/V.O. in order to save the life of calf/ dam ... Read more.

Rectal palpation technique for bovine female reproductive organs
After proper restraining the animal and lubricating the hand the base of the tail is held with the un-lubricated hand and pulled towards the clinician and the t... Read more.