Surgical Management of Aural Hematoma in a Dog
A Saint Bernard dog was presented TVCC of COVAS, Parbhani with history of swelling on left ear and constant head shaking. >>>
A Saint Bernard dog was presented TVCC of COVAS, Parbhani with history of swelling on left ear and constant head shaking. >>>
The third eyelid, also known as haws or nictitating membrane is a structure found in eyes of reptiles, birds and some mammals. It is a mobile, protective and glandular structure lying between cornea and lower eyelid in medial portion of the inferior conjuctival sac. >>>
Bovine viral diarrhoea is a viral disease that affects cattle worldwide causing significant economic losses in both dairy and beef cattle through its effects on production and reproduction. Disease is seen in different clinical outcomes that range from subclinical infections to the more severe presentations including abortion, infertility, and the fatal mucosal disease. >>>
In India, goat rearing is well integrated with farming system and in traditionally called as “poor man’s cow”. Goats are mainly reared by land less labors, marginal farmers who earn their livelihood through meat and milk. >>>
The word vice comes from the Latin word vitium, meaning “failing or defect”. In other words, it is a fault, defect, an immoral, wicked or evil habit/ action/ trait, a degrading practice, habitual abnormal behavior of a destructive kind regardless of the legality or objective harm involved. >>>
Chronic respiratory disease (CRD) is an economically important disease of poultry. A case of CRD was recorded from a village. Post mortem examination was conducted and tentatively diagnosed as chronic respiratory disease. The birds were treated with Megadox-N and Immuplus for consecutive 7 days and advised to maintain proper hygienic measures and adequate ventilation. >>>
Clean milk is defined as milk which is drawn from udder of normal healthy animals collected in dry utensils and is free from extraneous matter like dirt, dust, flies, hay etc. Milk is normally sterile when it comes from udder of healthy animal. >>>