Eliminating dog- mediated Rabies in India by 2030
We, almost all are more or less familiar with the disease rabies and realize it’s important as is direct Zoonotic disease means it can be transmitted to the human through a vertebrate host. >>>
We, almost all are more or less familiar with the disease rabies and realize it’s important as is direct Zoonotic disease means it can be transmitted to the human through a vertebrate host. >>>
Sarcocystosis, a protozoal parasitic disease that is widely distributed in mammals, birds and reptiles. >>>
The ICAR-Central Institute for Women in Agriculture, Bhubaneswar, Odisha celebrated the “World Food Day “on the theme “Grow, Nourish, Sustain. Together, Our Actions are our Future.” today. >>>
The ICAR-National Research Centre on Pig, Guwahati, Assam celebrated the World Food Day today. The ITMU and ABI Units of the Centre jointly organized a Webinar along with the virtual Contest on the preparation of pork dishes during the occasion. >>>
About 70% of the body weight of the animals is made out of water. Water is very much needed for various vital activities such as metabolic processes; excretion of metabolic wastes; transport of enzymes and ions; maintenance of blood volume and blood pressure; thermoregulation; buffering agents and lubrication. >>>
Egg is a wonder food providing 6-7 gram of high quality protein and 14 essential nutrients. It is a rich source of nine essential amino acids, essential fatty acids, calcium, phosphorus, choline, folate, vitamin A, B and D, iron, zinc, selenium and many more nutrients. >>>
An ancient disease with 100% fatal outcome. Discovered and named by Girolamo Fracastoro in 15th century. >>>
Eggs are nutrient dense super foods that comprise essential vitamins and all nine essential amino acids making it a source of complete protein and one of the food that naturally contains vitamin D. >>>
Haryana Agriculture and Farmers’ Welfare and Animal Husbandry Minister, Mr. J.P Dalal said that farmers’ interest is the priority of the State Government. Besides the Central Government, the Haryana Government has also implemented several schemes to make Agriculture and Farmer sector self-reliant. >>>
World Animal Day is an international day of action for animal rights and welfare celebrated annually on October 4. The day has become an international celebration for animal rights and welfare. The aim of World Animal Day is “to raise awareness about improving the welfare standards of the animals across the globe.” >>>
Among infertility cases the incidence of repeat breeding cows was around 16 per cent and contribution of subclinical endometritis is major proportion in repeat breeding cows >>>
Udder edema is the accumulation of fluid in the udder and sometimes also in the cow’s belly. Some edema is normal around calving time. But, excessive edema will make milking more difficult and can do permanent damage by breaking down udder supports. >>>
The ICAR-Central Institute of Brackishwater Aquaculture, Chennai signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with M/s Salem Microbes Private Limited, Salem, Tamil Nadu for producing and marketing of the a “Phage based product” developed by the Aquatic Animal Health and Environment Division (AAHED) of ICAR-CIBA, Chennai. >>>