Hameoglobinuria is the pathological conditions in animals in which animal passes haemoglobin in the urine. Haemoglobinuria occurs due to mineral deficiency, metabolic diseases, protozoal diseases >>>
Housing for Dairy Cattle
An efficient management of cattle will be incomplete without a well-planned and adequate housing of cattle. Improper planning in the arrangement of animal housing may result in additional labour>> >>>
New Borne Calf Management for Dairy Enterprise
For a calf, the care begins from the care of its mother during calving. Calving pen needs to be clean and comfortable to prevent calving problems. >>>
Toxocara infestation in Buffalo Calves
Toxocara vitulorum a species of round worm parasite that infects Cattle, Buffalo and Bisons. The worm also called as Neoascaris vitulorum. Infestation is common in worldwide and more prevalent in America, Africa and Asia. >>>
Type classification Of Dairy Animals
During selection of animal for milk production, it should be ensured that body of animal should be able to sustain high level of production. >>>
Myths and Facts about Dairy Farming Practices and Management
Though dairy farming is becoming Hi-tech due to adoption of modern practices, equipment and techniques, yet this sector is influenced with certain myths which are logically wrong, unscientific and baseless, and affect economy of both commercial and poor farmers. >>>
Effect of Progesterone Priming using Vaginal Sponge for Induction of Cyclicity in Postpartum Anestrum Buffalo
Buffalo plays major role in dairy industry in Indian subcontinent due to its higher feed conversion ratio and resistance to certain diseases. >>>
ICAR-Central Institute for Research on Cattle celebrates 34th Foundation Day
The ICAR-Central Institute for Research on Cattle, Meerut, Uttar Pradesh virtually celebrated its 34th Foundation Day today >>>
Need of balanced ration for dairy animals
It has often been pointed out that productivity of milch animals in India is very >>>
Lumpy Skin Disease in Bovines
The Lumpy Skin Disease is range from acute and severe to subclinical and is characterized by pyrexia, lymphadenopathy and skin nodules. The lesions can affect internal organs such as the stomach >>>
Importance of Anaemia in Veterinary Practice
Blood is called as river of life. Blood carries oxygen and nutrients to cells and eliminates carbon di oxide and waste products from the body. >>>
Intervention of ICAR-CIARI scientists to treat case of cow with Haemogalactia
A resident of North Wandoor, Mr. B. Loknadhan visited ICAR-CIARI with a complaint of fresh blood in milk of a cow aged more than 10 years and history of Ampicillin sodium and Cloxacillin sodium intra-mammary infusion that failed to recover condition of the cow. >>>
Avoiding Disasters While Using Liquid Nitrogen Gas in Field Conditions
Semen of domestic animals is one of the biological materials which is kept stored in liquid nitrogen gas for very long periods. >>>