Animal Diseases

How to curtail infertility at dairy farm?

An old adage says, “India lives in villages” as more than 65% of Indian population lives in rural area. Also, more than 70% Indian rural households own livestock.  So, the livestock sector can play a vital role in socio-economic development of farmers. The dairy animals are kept commonly for meeting daily needs of milk and milk products. >>>

Animal Breeds

Ensuring Quality Compounded Feeds For Dairy Animals

India ranks first in milk production accounting for 18.5 percent of world production (Economic survey 2015-16). The value of India’s milk output during 2012-13 has been estimated at over Rs.2900 billion, higher than the combined value of other major agricultural crops like paddy, wheat and sugarcane (National Dairy Development Board 2014). >>>

Dairy Husbandry

Milk Hygiene

Milk is the complete food. It contains in a balanced form of all the necessary and digestable elements for building and maintaining the human and animal body. In addition, it contains immunoglobulins which protect the newly born against a number of diseases’. >>>

Dairy Husbandry

Record Keeping- An Important Aspect of Dairy Farming

Record keeping is one of the utmost important part of dairy business. The success or failure of any business is highly dependent on efficiency of record keeping. Dairy farming is one of the most adoptable business of rural areas of India but the major setback of dairy farming is that people of rural area do not adopt it as business. They rear animals for their household need, not as profession. >>>

Dairy Husbandry

Taming the heifer at first milking

When a heifer calves for the first time, she has to experience a set of completely new maneuvers. Since she is not accustomed to these procedures, she can pose great threat to her handlers. The very first milking after calving is mostly uneventful in pluriparous animals. However, the farmer could lead himself into trouble once a heifer at his farm calves. >>>