Five Point Check- a decision making tool during deworming of Small Ruminants
Internal parasites cause many ill affects among the ruminants and domestic animals. They cause severe economic losses to the animal husbandry in a numerous ways. >>>
Internal parasites cause many ill affects among the ruminants and domestic animals. They cause severe economic losses to the animal husbandry in a numerous ways. >>>
Diphyllobothriasis is also called as ‘Fish tapeworm disease’. Etiology Caused by cestode Diphyllobothrium latum (also sometimes caused by other species like D.pacificum & D.nihonkaiense >>>
Calf management Remove the mucous from nose and mouth of the calf immediately after birth and allow the mother to lick the calf which helps to dry off the calf and helps to stimulate breathing >>>
In parasitic infestation, the ectoparasites are easily visible on an animal’s body and get treated but as endoparasites are not visible, and so they are ignored very often. >>>
Animal diseases cause huge losses to livestock farmers. Prevention of many diseases is possible by protecting the animals by prophylactic and strategic vaccination. >>>