These dogs are trained to sniff out the coronavirus. Most have a 100% success rate
What does a pandemic smell like? If dogs could talk, they might be able to >>>
What does a pandemic smell like? If dogs could talk, they might be able to >>>
Various homeopathic remedies for these diseases and ailment are as follows Conventional dogs medication usually applies certain chemical or biological agents to our dogs body in the form of antibiotics and antiviral drugs >>>
A pilot training program utilizing scent detection dogs to discriminate between samples from COVID-19 positive >>>
Humans and animals share many diseases. And as dramatically shown by the tigers that tested positive in the Bronx Zoo, the coronavirus is one of them. As three veterinary epidemiologists who study infectious disease, we have been asked a lot questions about if and how the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 affects pets. >>>
There are several diseases which are found in most of the dogs and they are mainly caused by virus, bacteria or parasites. Many serious pet diseases can be prevented by vaccination. Many time dog diseases are detected late, when it become difficult to cure the diseases. >>>
With the passage of time, humans have evolved and so have the B species. Dogs have found themselves in a plethora of roles viz. wild animals, hunter animals, pet animals and now companion animal, rather they are considered at times a family member. >>>
A Saint Bernard dog was presented TVCC of COVAS, Parbhani with history of swelling on left ear and constant head shaking. >>>
The third eyelid, also known as haws or nictitating membrane is a structure found in eyes of reptiles, birds and some mammals. It is a mobile, protective and glandular structure lying between cornea and lower eyelid in medial portion of the inferior conjuctival sac. >>>
“Just how old do you think my dog is in dog years?” is a question >>>
Canine Parvovirus (CPV) is a contagious virus mainly affecting dogs. CPV is highly contagious and spread from one dog to another dog very rapidly >>>