MoU for Cooperation in Livestock Sector
An MoU was signed between the Department of Animal Husbandry & Dairying and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) on 22nd September, 2021, to collaborate in furtherance of their mutual >>>
An MoU was signed between the Department of Animal Husbandry & Dairying and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) on 22nd September, 2021, to collaborate in furtherance of their mutual >>>
Livestock is one of the fastest growing agricultural subsectors in developing Countries including India. The demand for dairy products like milk and milk products is >>>
Since pesticides are designed to kill or adversely affect living organisms, by their very nature, they pose risk to humans, non-target plants and animals. They not only contaminate the ecosystem but also bio-accumulate in the food chain and >>>
Global demand for livestock products is expected to double by 2050, mainly due to improvement in the worldwide standard of living. Climate change impacts livestock directly >>>
The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs chaired by the Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi has approved implementation of special livestock sector package consisting of several activities by >>>
Contamination of the soil and water sources used for drinking purpose of animals also forms another source of pesticide residue in animals. The pesticides cover >>>
Assam Chief Minister Dr. Himanta Biswa Sarma today held a meeting with State Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Department at his conference hall at Janata Bhawan and reviewed implementation of various >>>
In order to overcome economic losses obtained due to heat stress some of the major amelioration strategies to combat heat stress in Indian conditions. >>>
Rumen manipulation is expected to improve helpful processes while it reduces, removes, and changes the processes, which are dangerous to the host >>>
In India, livestock sector plays an important role in improving the socio-economic conditions of farmers. 70% of livestock population is owned by landless and marginal farmers and thus, provides >>>
Introduction The milk production in India saw a quantum leap from 17 (Seventeen) million tonnes in 1950 to 187 (One hundred eighty seven) million tonnes in 2018-19. At global scale the meat prod >>>
Mixed crop-livestock systems account for most of the meat and milk production in Asia. These resource-poor households typically grow crops, often at the subsistence level, earning whatever off-farm >>>
The livelihood of the people in the country depends on farming and the animal husbandry is a major component of it. The animal products like milk, egg and meat complements to the crop based agriculture >>>