Care and Management of New Born Calf
The prenatal period is the most hazardous in the life of all animals. The main causes of prenatal morbidity and mortality are, in descending order of importance >>>
The prenatal period is the most hazardous in the life of all animals. The main causes of prenatal morbidity and mortality are, in descending order of importance >>>
Bovine lameness is an increasing concern as it affects the health, productivity, and welfare of dairy cattle to a great extent. It is 3rd most prevalent disease after mastitis and infertility in the >>>
Post parturient Injuries and diseases in large animals Obstetric trauma to the genital tract also predisposes to infection, and where severe contusion has occurred there is a marked risk of >>>
The induction of labor at or near term in domestic animals may be required for some physiologic and pathologic reasons. Planned deliveries allow closer attendance at parturition and reduce accidental >>>