Success Story of a Backyard Poultry Farmer in Uttarakhand
Mr. Nautiyal was selected as a backyard poultry farmer under the scheme “National Livestock Mission- Mother Poultry Unit”. He was provided with ninety-month-old kuroiler chicks (MOCs) >>>
Mr. Nautiyal was selected as a backyard poultry farmer under the scheme “National Livestock Mission- Mother Poultry Unit”. He was provided with ninety-month-old kuroiler chicks (MOCs) >>>
Feed pelleting is the process of converting finely ground mash feed into dense, free flowing pellets or capsules using steam injection (moisture and heat) and mechanical pressure >>>
Ducks occupy an important position next to chicken farming in India. They form about 10% of the total poultry population and contribute about 6- 7% of total eggs produced in the country. >>>
From the childhood we heard a slogan as “Sunday Ho Ya Monday Roz Khao Ande”. Along with milk, “eggs contain the highest biological value (gold standard) for protein” >>>
Department of Livestock Production Management, Guru Angad Dev Veterinary & Animal Sciences University, Ludhiana organized a one-day training programme on ‘‘Bio-security measures at Livestock and >>>
India is considered as one of the fastest growing economies of the world. Animal Husbandry sector contributes more than 25% to India’s agriculture GDP and adds directly more than 4% >>>
Poultry production in India has taken a quantum leap in the last four decades, emerging from an unscientific farming practice to commercial production system. The total poultry >>>
Abstract Corona viral diseases are seen in animals, birds and human being. α & β >>>
Poultry is defined as live or dressed domestic birds, which are bred and reared for edible purpose and it includes chicken, duck, turkey and also quail, pheasant, geese, ostrich, guinea fowl, pigeon >>>
The Flavobacteriaceae family includes Riemerella anatipestifer. R. anatipestifer is a non-sporulating, gram-negative, catalase and oxidase positive and non-motile. This bacterium >>>
Keeping the birds are very easy but there are some important Bacterial diseases which causes huge losses in poultry industry and marginal poultry sm farmers, so knowledge of poultry >>>
“If an apple a day keeps doctors away, an egg a day will keep diseases at bay” For years, eggs have been held up as a powerhouse of protein. The reputation has been due to its exceptional >>>
Egg is not only a wholesome food, but it offers about 13 different vitamins and minerals required by the body. A typical egg contains about 6-7 g of very high quality protein that are with about >>>
Happy World Egg Day 2021 – Friday 8 th October (Picture 1). The theme for this year’s event is “Eggs for all: Nature’s Perfect Package”. As the theme rightly suggests, eggs truly are nature’s >>>