Significance of nutritionally designer eggs
Designer eggs are those in which the content has been modified from standard egg. The content of the chicken egg can be changed in such a way as to be more healthful. >>>
Designer eggs are those in which the content has been modified from standard egg. The content of the chicken egg can be changed in such a way as to be more healthful. >>>
Mycotoxins are toxic secondary metabolities produced by fungai. There are numerous mycotoxins in the food chain that cause unwanted biological effects inside human and animal organisms upon ingestion >>>
In India about 2/3 rd of population live in rural areas, who are primarily involved in agriculture and allied activities and earns their bread and butter from it. The Indian poultry market, >>>
PVK Sirsa under the aegis of Dr. D. S. Dahiya, DEE, LUVAS, Hisar successfully completed Seven day vocational poultry farming training organized from 2nd August to 8th August 2021. A total of 13 farm >>>
Avian tuberculosis is a chronic wasting, contagious disease caused by Mycobacterium avium >>>
Microbial spoilage of eggs: Under healthy breeding conditions, the egg content is sterile. However, the eggshell surface can be contaminated by a diversified microflora. In order to >>>
But based on post mortem finding and history of treatment confirm the diagnosis as toxicosis/mycotoxicosis associated with feed >>>
Avian influenza, also known as ” Bird flu” is a disease caused by strains of influenza virus that primarily affects birds. In the late 1990s, a new strain of bird flu arose that was known for its >>>
Most of the internal organs of the kadaknath breed show intense black colouration due to the deposition of melanin pigment in the organs. The birds survive well >>>
Guinea Fowl also known as “Titari” and “Chitra” the low input alternate poultry species domesticated for egg and meat are adapted to varied Indian agro-climatic conditions and most appropriate >>>
The primary purpose of raising poultry is to transform feeds into meat and eggs. But the feed conversion to these uses must be done efficiently and economically. To do this, the principles of nutrition >>>
Need of Exogenous Enzyme in Poultry Feed: The poultry industry in developing countries is facing several difficulties as a result of the high prices of >>>
Poultry industry has shown significant growth in India as well as in the world by bringing paradigm shift in its structure and operation. Poultry industry has turned out to be self-sufficient >>>
As per the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE), Avian influenza / Bird Flu is an infection of poultry caused by any influenza A virus of the H5 or H7 subtypes. It has 3 types A, B and C, out >>>