Care and Management of Pregnant Cows
Livestock rearing is the main source of income for the farmers. The profitability of cattle farming depends on its milk production per lactation. The pregnancy cows >>>
Livestock rearing is the main source of income for the farmers. The profitability of cattle farming depends on its milk production per lactation. The pregnancy cows >>>
A doe weighing 45 kg during last trimester of pregnancy was presented at Veterinary Hospital Chaumuha,Mathura with primary complaint of inappetance and recumbency for a week. >>>
Barium chloride test This test is used for pregnancy diagnosis in cows and buffaloes. It gives more than 90% reliable results. Principle End-products of progesterone (after metabolisation in liver >>>
Pregnancy toxemia: This is a metabolic disease and also known as Preparturient Paralysis, Lambing paralysis, Twin lamb disease, Twining kid diseases, Twinning Disease, Pregnancy ketosis, Sleepy sickness, Ante partum paralysis. >>>