Fallacies on acceptance and consumption of eggs
From the childhood we heard a slogan as “Sunday Ho Ya Monday Roz Khao Ande”. Along with milk, “eggs contain the highest biological value (gold standard) for protein” >>>
From the childhood we heard a slogan as “Sunday Ho Ya Monday Roz Khao Ande”. Along with milk, “eggs contain the highest biological value (gold standard) for protein” >>>
“If an apple a day keeps doctors away, an egg a day will keep diseases at bay” For years, eggs have been held up as a powerhouse of protein. The reputation has been due to its exceptional >>>
Egg is not only a wholesome food, but it offers about 13 different vitamins and minerals required by the body. A typical egg contains about 6-7 g of very high quality protein that are with about >>>
Happy World Egg Day 2021 – Friday 8 th October (Picture 1). The theme for this year’s event is “Eggs for all: Nature’s Perfect Package”. As the theme rightly suggests, eggs truly are nature’s >>>
Egg is one of the most nutrient dense food or complete food containing body building proteins, bone forming minerals, health giving vitamins and energy giving fats. >>>
Egg is a wonder food providing 6-7 gram of high quality protein and 14 essential nutrients. It is a rich source of nine essential amino acids, essential fatty acids, calcium, phosphorus, choline, folate, vitamin A, B and D, iron, zinc, selenium and many more nutrients. >>>
Eggs are nutrient dense super foods that comprise essential vitamins and all nine essential amino acids making it a source of complete protein and one of the food that naturally contains vitamin D. >>>