Seven day vocational poultry farming training organized


PVK Sirsa under the aegis of Dr. D. S. Dahiya, DEE, LUVAS, Hisar successfully completed Seven day vocational poultry farming training organized from 2nd August to 8th August 2021. A total of 13 farmers participated in this training programme. Dr. Mahavir Chaudhari, Extension specialist, delivered a lecture on breeds of poultry birds and there economic traits.

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Seven day vocational poultry farming training organized (4)

Dr. Naresh Jindal, Prof. & HOD Department of VPHE, discussed various managemental preventive measures for infectious diseases and routine farm practices to make business profitable.

Seven day vocational poultry farming training organized (4)

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Dr. Vishal Sharma, Assistant Prof. LPM, delivered lecture on housing and brooding management for birds. Dr. Poonam, Assistant Prof. AGB, enlightened farmers about backyard poultry farming, breeds of layers and broilers. Dr. Sushil Chahar, Assistant Prof. ANN, put the expert views on balance feeding management and importance of FCR for poultry birds. Dr. D. S. Jakhar, Coordinator, KVK discussed nutritional requirement for fodder crops.

Seven day vocational poultry farming training organized (4)

Dr. V. S. Bansal, SDO A.H.&D, Sirsa discussed various govt. schemes for poultry farmers. Dr. Pawanjeet Cheema, ADIO, DI lab, Sirsa delivered lecture on major infectious diseases of poultry and vaccination protocol for broiler and layer poultry. Various queries of farmers addressed during the training like backyard poultry and its profitability, marketing strategy and calculation of profit in commercial poultry. At the end of training, Dr. Mahavir Chaudhari, Extension specialist, PVK, Sirsa delivered vote of thanks to participants.

Seven day vocational poultry farming training organized (4)

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