Administrative and Teaching Post opening at LUVAS


Offline applications for following Administrative and Teaching posts are invited from the eligible candidates for filling up in Lala Lajpat Rai University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences (LUVAS) Hisar

Administrative Posts:

  1. Dean, College of Dairy Science & Technology (01)
  2. Director of Extension Education (01)

Teaching Posts

  1. Associate Professor (03): (One each in the discipline of Dairy Engineering , Veterinary Animal Husbandry Extension Education, Animal Genetics & Breeding )
  2. Senior Scientist In-charge, Disease Free Small Animal House (01)
  3. Senior Extension Specialist (Animal Science) (01)
  4. Assistant Professors (02): (One each in the discipline of Veterinary Biochemistry, Animal Nutrition)
  5. Scientist (02): (One each in the discipline of Animal Nutrition and Veterinary Public Health & Epidemiology (SC-1)to be posted in VCC )

Offline applications for above posts are invited from the eligible candidates for filling up in LUVAS, Hisar. The Application Format(Form ‘A’) for administrative and teaching posts along with details of posts, essential qualifications, pay scales, disciplines, benefit of reservation, application processing fee and terms/conditions etc. are available and can be downloaded from the university website

ALSO READ :  Senior Research Fellow (SRF)- Guru Angad Dev Veterinary and Animal Sciences University

The duly filled in application form along with self-attested photo copies of required certificates and documents should reach the address “The Registrar, LUVAS, Hisar- 125004” on or before 15.10.2019 (30.10.2019 for candidates residing abroad)

Application processing fee in the shape of Demand Draft of any Nationalized Bank of Rs. 1600/- (Rs. 400/- for SC/ BCA/ BCB of Haryana) drawn in favour of “The Registrar, LUVAS, Hisar” and payable at Hisar should be attached with each application form.

In-service candidates should apply through proper channel or produce “No Objection Certificate” from the appointing authority otherwise they will not be allowed to appear in interview, however, they must submit an advance copy along with application processing fee and self-attested copies of all the documents on or before the last date of receipt of application.

ALSO READ :  Date extension various teaching posts of the colleges of Bihar Animal Science University

The candidates who had applied earlier for the posts of Senior Scientist Incharge, DFSAH, Associate Professor, VAHEE , Associate Professor, AGB, Senior Extension Specialist, Animal Science, Associate Professor, Dairy Engineering, Assistant Professor Veterinary Biochemistry in response to advt. no. 1/2019 need not apply again. Their earlier application will be considered, however they can update their

Application by submitting supporting documents to reach the office on or before the last date for receipt of application form.

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