Walk in Interview for Research Associate- ULDB Uttarakhand


The Walk-in-Interview for the contractual position of one Sales Executive, in below mentioned project will be conducted at Uttarakhand Livestock Development Board (ULDB). The date/time and venue and other details shown against position on a contractual basis, which is co-terminus with the project/scheme. The eligible candidates are invited to appear before the Selection Committee for Walk-in-Interview at ULDB , Pashudhan Bhawan, First Floor , Motharowalla Road, Dehradun.
Place and Date of Interview: Pashudhan Bhawan, First Floor , Mothrowala Road, Dehradun on 06.01.2020 at 12.00 a.m.

Name of the project: Rashtriya Gokul Mission – Production of sex sorted semen of indigenous breeds PI- Project Coordinatior RGM SSS production Work Place – Headquarters at Deep Frozen Semen Production centre, Shyampur, Rishikesh and other parts of India.

Qualifications & Experience:  Ph.D degree in any one of disciplines/Subject: Animal Physiology/ Biotechnology/ Biochemistry and with minimum of 1 year experience in handling Cattle and Buffalo Oocytes and embryos handling with IVF and DNA/RNA handling, PCR , Primer Design
Master’s degree in Animal Physiology/Biotechnology/Biochemistry having 1st division or 60% marks or equivalent overall grade point average , with at least three years of research experience in handling Cattle and Buffalo Oocytes and embryos handling with IVF and DNA/RNA handling , PCR , Primer  esign as evidenced from Fellowship/Associate ship / Training / other engagement as circulated vide F.No. 2-9/2012-HRD dated 25-04-2014 and one research paper in science Citation Index (SCI)/NAAS rated (>4.0) Journal as per OM SR/S9/Z-09/2018 of DST dated 30-01-2019

ALSO READ :  Empanelment of Consultant Livestock and Food Processing

Note: Candidate will have to submit Complete Application Form and produce Original Certificates of  Educational  Qualification and Experience on the date of Walk-In-Interview. The experience will be counted after acquiring the basic minimum qualifications.
The above positions are purely temporary and will be filled in on Contractual basis. The selected candidate shall have no right/claim for regular appointment at this Institute, as the engagement is co-terminus with the Project/Scheme. Interested candidates may attend Walk-in-Interview on the dates as indicated alongwith original certificates and typed bio-data with one set of attested copies of each their certificates with passport size photograph. No TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview.
All eligible candidates are advised to be present at least 60 minutes before scheduled time on the date of interview for completing necessary formalities. Canvassing in any form will disqualify the candidates.
Age limit: 40 Year for Men and 45 years for Women in case of RA on the date of Interview.

Emoluments: Rs 49000/- per month (for master degree holder) & Rs. 54000/-per month (for Ph.D)with reference to ICAR recruitment on F. No. Ag. Edn. 6/27/2014-HRD Dated 20th July20l9 Emoluments and guidelines for Junior Research Fellows, Senior Research Fellows (SRFs) and Research Associates (RAs) TA &DA- TA & DA will be provided permisiable to 7th Pay Commission Pay Matrix Level 10 of Government of Uttarakhand TA &DA rules for the visits which are officially approved by CEO , ULDB. Accomodation– Room will be provided as per availability in the Kalsi farm. If accomdation not provided then House allowance will provided which is permisiable to 7th Pay Commission Pay Matrix Level 10 of Government of Uttarakhand HRA rules.
Discipline: Since the RAs working in the Schemes may handle sophisticated equipments, research materials etc., they are required to show satisfactory performance of duties and maintain discipline as per the code of conduct and prevailing rules of the ICAR/AU/Institute/ULDB concerned. Non-maintenance of the discipline or failure to perform the duties assigned will make the SRFs/RAs liable for termination.
Leave: Since the SRFs/RAs do not have status of regular employees they are not entitled for any regular leave. (ii) SRFs/RAs are allowed to avail Casual Leave(CL) and Restricted Holidays as per rules of the Govt. of Uttarakhand and as issued from time to time.
Income Tax: The concerned authority of the Institute/AU would be responsible for deduction of tax at source as applicable.
Application Foramt and other term & Conditions

ALSO READ :  Junior veterinary Officer at Wild life SOS- Agra/Mathura

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