Spreading scientific temper through workshop on ‘ABC of Scientific Writing’


Science communication is gaining momentum in response to the need for inculcating scientific temperament among general public due to events of climate change, emergence of outbreaks like COVID-19 and rapid expansion of science in the present days. This has called for improvement in scientific writing particularly for the masters and PhD students along with the early career researchers. Presence of predatory journals, ethical issues and retraction of articles are also rising continuously the scientific sector and many of them are due to sheer ignorance. Indian publications in science is estimated at not greater than 2% of global publications.With the aim of improving our science communication, Krishi Vigyan Kendra Cuttack, a unit of ICAR-National Rice Research Institute, Cuttack,organized an online workshop on “ABC of Scientific Writing” for upgrading knowledge base of early career researchers and academicians from July 22 to August 5, 2020. About 330 participants, representing 24 states of India, ranging from intermediate students to the rank of principal scientists actively participated in the program. Specifically, the participants were from 165 institutions across the country involving National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal, GB Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar, College of Veterinary and Animal Science, Parbhani, West Bengal University of Animal and Fishery Sciences, Kolkata,  National Rice Research Institute, Cuttack and all deemed to be universities of ICAR, University of Delhi, Indian Institutes of Science Education and Research, Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology, Bhubaneswar and many others participated in this workshop.

The workshop focused on giving a comprehensive view to the researchers with lectures on ‘why’ writing to ‘how’, ‘what’ and ‘where’ aspects of writing. It also covered issues that commonly arise in publication process such as authorship, publication ethics, plagiarism, retraction and conflict of interest. In addition, writing and editing a paper, how to select a journal, what an editor expects from an author along with familiarization with journals and publishing platforms were discussed in detail within the program. Furthermore, real-time live demonstration of critical skills on searching, reference management, manuscript formatting, online researcher tools etc. made the programme unique, practical and one-of-a kind of workshop in India. Early career funding opportunities was also discussed with sharing of experience by learned and renowned guest faculty namely Dr H Pathak from NIASM, Baramati, Dr D Maiti and Dr AK Nayak from NRRI, Cuttack, Dr TK Datta and Dr TK Mohanty from NDRI, Karnal, Dr AK Pattanaik from IVRI, Izatnagar, Dr AK Panda from KIIT, Bhubaneswar and Dr MS Mahesh from Kemin Industries, Chennai along with the organising secretary of the workshop Dr RK Mohanta from KVK, NRRI, Cuttack.

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The workshop was added with a recapitulation session every day with two voluntary participants prior to starting of day’s proceeding. Other exciting features were devoting adequate time for question and answer session, practical demonstrations on tips and metrics, assignments on profile creation and journal metrics, quizzes, provision of materials for further reading regularly after the session and a special doubt-clearing class for young scholars. About 130- 220 participants attended each class with an average of 177 throughout the workshop. The workshop was concluded in the presence of Dr H Pathak, Director, National Institute for Abiotic Stress Management, Baramati—an eminent climatologist and excellent statesman—advised the participants to go ahead with full fervour and vigour in science. In his concluding remarks, Dr D Maiti wished all to implement their knowledge and skill learned in the program to their fullest potential. Dr. GAK Kumar, Head, Social Science Division, Dr DR Sarangi, officer-in-charge, KVK Cuttack and the whole KVK staff advised and coordinated well for the success of the workshop. It ended with a positive feedback from all the participants with take away messages to implement what they learnt and vowed to comeback to career with unending zeal and enthusiasm to mark their strong footprint in Indian science.

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Online Workshop on ‘ABC of Scientific Writing’ (1st Week, 22-28 July)
Session Plan
Date Time Topic Action
22nd July (Wednesday) 7 PM Inauguration & Why Write

Dr D. Maiti, Director, ICAR-NRRI, Cuttack

What to Write?

Dr R.K. Mohanta, KVK, ICAR-NRRI, Cuttack

Pre-Workshop Quiz, Assignment
23rd July


7 PM Frugal Innovations by Indians & Authorship

Dr T.K. Datta, ICAR-NDRI, Karnal

24th July (Wednesday) 7 PM Authorship, Ethics, Plagiarism, Retraction and Conflict of Interest

Dr R.K. Mohanta, KVK, ICAR-NRRI, Cuttack

Quiz, Assignment
25th July


7 PM Author and Journal Metrics

Dr R.K. Mohanta, KVK, ICAR-NRRI, Cuttack

Quiz, Assignment
26th July


7 PM How to select a journal?

Dr R.K. Mohanta, KVK, ICAR-NRRI, Cuttack

Quiz, Assignment
28th July


7 PM Art of Scientific Writing

Dr A.K. Pattanaik, ICAR-IVRI, Izatnagar

Quiz, Assignment
Online Workshop on ‘ABC of Scientific Writing’ (2nd Week; July 29-August 5)
Session Plan
Date Time Topic Action
29th July (Wednesday) 7 PM Editing Methodology

Dr A.K. Nayak, ICAR-NRRI, Cuttack

30th July


7 PM Tips in Scientific Editing

Dr R.K. Mohanta, KVK, ICAR-NRRI, Cuttack

Quiz, Assignment
31st July (Friday) 7 PM Early Career Funding Opportunities Dr A.K. Panda, KIIT, Bhubaneswar Experience in Publishing

Dr M.S. Mahesh, Kemin Industries

1st August (Saturday) 7 PM Reference Checking Methodology

Dr T.K. Mohanty, ICAR-NDRI, Karnal

Quiz, Assignment
2nd August (Sunday) 11 AM Doubt Clearing Session & Basics (For Young Scholars)

Dr R.K. Mohanta, KVK, ICAR-NRRI, Cuttack

3rd August (Monday) 7 PM Good Citation Practices & Familiarization with Journals and Publishing Platforms

Dr R.K. Mohanta, KVK, ICAR-NRRI, Cuttack

Quiz, Assignment & Feedback
4th August (Tuesday) 5 PM Completion of pending assignments & feedback Summative Quiz
5th August (Wednesday) 7 PM Scientific Writing, Feedback and Valedictory Function

Dr H. Pathak, Director, ICAR-NIABSM, Baramati Dr D. Maiti, Director, ICAR-NRRI, Cuttack

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