Chairman NDDB presents Milk Producers’ Digital Award to dairy institutions


With a view to recognise the efforts of producer-owned organisations for promoting digital economy and inspire them to sustain their efforts in future, Shri Dilip Rath, Chairman, NDDB conferred “Milk Producers’ Digital Award & Digital Payment Appreciation Certificate” to Milk Producers, Milk Cooperatives and Milk Producer Companies. As we are about to celebrate the birth centenary of Dr Verghese Kurien, starting from his birth anniversary today- 26th November 2020, the National Milk Day, our tech-enabled milk producers and finest dairy institutions were privileged to receive the Awards & Certificates. Shri Meenesh Shah and Shri Arun Raste, Executive Directors of NDDB also graced the occasion.

Shri Rath said that the award will set benchmarks and NDDB’s efforts, coupled with Government of India’s Digital India drive will certainly encourage dairy farmers to adopt 100% milk bill payments through banks and increase the usage of other digital platforms. Such social recognition on a national platform will definitely encourage other milk producers to become more aware and gradually shift towards transparent digital mode of payment.

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The event recognised those dairy farmers who uninterruptedly received milk bill payment in their respective bank accounts and also felicitated milk unions/producer companies for facilitating digital payments in their respective states.

Chairman, NDDB honoured 62 Milk Producers from Dairy Cooperatives and 24 Milk Producers from Producer Companies for receiving milk bill payment digitally. 19 Dairy Cooperative Milk Unions/Federations and 8 Milk Producer Companies covering 22 states were also felicitated for their efforts towards maximising digital milk bill payment.

While launching “Dairy Surveyor” – a GIS-enabled field data collection, visualisation and decision making android application, Shri Rath said that those who own data own the future. NDDB’s innovative data digitisation drive has led to the development of this application, which collects locational data (coordinates & photographs) in real time and visualises it on digital maps. The app features include – field data collection with geo-tagging and time stamp, real-time tracking of filed level projects, facility to capture & upload photos/signature/audio/video, visualisation of field data on map and export in to Excel and analysis of data with locational coordinates.

ALSO READ :  NDDB issues advisory for management of dairy animals during rainy season to dairy cooperatives

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