Impact of bird flu on poultry industry and guidelines for safe consumption of poultry meat and eggs


As per the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE), Avian influenza/ Bird Flu is an infection of poultry caused by any influenza A virus of the H5 or H7 subtypes. It has 3 types A, B and C, out of which influenza A virus is zoonotic i.e., the strain primarily infects birds, but can also infect other animals and humans. Parallel to COVID-19 virus this virus also infects the respiratory system and arises as a massive outbreak. Presently, it has been reported in 9 states of India like Kerala, Haryana, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Chhattisgarh, Uttarakhand, Gujarat, Uttar Pradesh and Punjab) for poultry birds and in 12 States (Madhya Pradesh, Haryana, Maharashtra, Chhattisgarh, Himachal Pradesh, Gujarat, Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Delhi, Rajasthan, Jammu and Kashmir and Punjab) for Crow/Migratory/ Wild birds.

Bird flu poultry farming

All the States are reporting to the Department on daily basis regarding the control measures adopted by the States/UTs based on the Revised Action Plan for Prevention, Control and Containment of Avian Influenza 2021. The virus stays in the lower and upper respiratory tract and replicates in the respiratory tract, digestive system and other systemic organs including brain. Infected birds shed avian influenza virus in their nasal secretions, saliva, and faeces while this spread when the healthy birds come in contact with the shaded secretion. After infection there is oedema, cyanosis of head comb, wattles, face, and blood tinged oral and nasal discharge, greenish watery diarrhoea, torticollis, incoordination, drastic fall in egg production, paralysis and drooped wings and sudden death of birds. Culling of birds leads to severe economic losses. This time 2 strains of avian influenza are responsible for the outbreak – namely H5N8 in poultry and wild animals and H5N1 in ducks and migratory birds.

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Impact on poultry industry

Due to bird flu and its viral messages on social media the consumers are refusing to purchase poultry product anymore. As per fall of demand, poultry producers are dropping their product price. The entire meat and poultry supply chain has been affected. Drop in sale has been noted in both suffering and non-suffering regions. The infected zone poultry are culled and that makes the direct loss of meat and poultry vendors.

Compensation is paid to farmers whose poultry birds, eggs and poultry feed are culled/disposed of by the State as per the Action Plan. The Department of Animal Husbandry & Dairying (DAHD), Government of India provides funds to states / UTs on a 50:50 sharing basis under Assistance to States for Control of Animal Diseases (ASCAD) component of its Livestock Health and Disease Control (LH & DC) Scheme.

Guidelines for safe consumption of poultry meat and eggs

No human infection has been reported so far. However, it can spread through close contact and consumption of uncooked or not properly cooked egg and meat of infected birds.  The influenza virus is susceptible to heat; hence cooking food at 70ᵒC can destroy the virus in food. Complete safety can be ensured hygienically. Department of Animal Husbandry and Dairying, Govt. of India has issued an advisory that poultry meat cooked at more than 70ᵒC for 30 min. inactivates the virus and makes it absolutely safe for consumption. The hygienic way of slaughtering, dressing and packing of chicken meat is also encouraged. Strict bio – security practices should be followed in the farm. Avoid the contact of wild birds, infected birds with healthy birds.

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Consumers must be aware of the risk of cross – contamination. During food preparation, raw poultry and poultry products should never be allowed to mix with items eaten raw. The poultry farmers associations, cooperatives, (National Egg Coordination Committee) NECC, (The Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority) APEDA, etc. should also be actively involved in this process. Awareness related to bird flu should be made taking care that no panic is created among consumers. This will reduce the possibilities of infection and will boost the poultry industry too.

Also, according to World Animal Health Organization (OIE), Indian Meat Science Association, and Department of Animal Husbandry and Dairying, GOI, poultry has no role in transmission of covid-19 to humans. However, the person suffering with COVID-19 infection should be screened out and not be allowed to handle either domestic animals or any food products whether of plant/animal origin or even cooked. They may cause secondary surface contamination of the products.

Nutritive value of eggs and poultry meat

Eggs are the ultimate source of protein containing essential fatty acids, amino acids, PUFAs, calcium, phosphorus, choline, folate, vitamins (A, B, D), iron, zinc etc. naturally. They also contain two newly recognized nutrients as ‘lutein’ and zeaxanthin’, that makes eggs named as a functional food. Consumption of poultry meat promotes heart health and prevents bone loss. Due to its vitamin content, chicken acts as metabolism booster also. It is an anti – depressant that acts by increasing serotonin levels in brain thereby reducing stress.

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Poultry farming business can be done economically by using genetically modified (GM) feeds produced at lower costs (for higher yield of maize and soyabean crops) and raising regional poultry breeds with better FCR (Feed Conversion Ratio). Also, value – addition of products adds value over and above the actual price of the original raw product. For eggs, the value-added products are egg powder, egg fluid, yolk fluid, egg white powder etc. while the meat value added products are meat patties, meat loaf, canned meat etc.

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