ICAR receives King Bhumibol World Soil Day- 2020 Award by FAO


Ms. Suchitra Durai, Ambassador of India to the Kingdom of Thailand received the prestigious “King Bhumibol World Soil Day – 2020 Award”of FAO on the behalf of the Indian Council of Agricultural Research today.H.E., Dr. Chalermchai Srion, Minister of Agriculture and Cooperatives of the Kingdom of Thailand conferred the award in a Ceremony held at Bangkok, Thailand.

King Bhumibol World Soil Day - 2020 Award

The international recognition was announced by the FAO, Rome on the eve of World Soil Day – 2020 in view of the ICAR’s excellent contributions in “Soil Health Awareness” on the theme “Stop soil erosion, save our future” during the last year.

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The ICAR-Indian Institute of Soil Science, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh organized a wide array of several programmes with great fervour and enthusiasm for the school students, farming community and general public. The Institute organized a massive awareness campaign for preserving “SOIL – Our Mother Earth” to commemorate the World Soil Day including March-Past and distribution of promotional materials on soil health to the participants.

The Executives of the Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives; Executives of Land Development, Soil and Fertilizer Society of Thailand; Soil and Water Conservations Society of Thailand; World Soil Association and Executives of other Departments under the Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives participated in the event.

ALSO READ :  ICAR-NIANP, Bengaluru organized Hands-on training programme on semen evaluation techniques

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