Glanders: A Notifiable Bacterial Respiratory Disease
Importance Glanders is one of the most terrible zoonotic bacterial disease by which horses, mules >>>
Importance Glanders is one of the most terrible zoonotic bacterial disease by which horses, mules >>>
This article is beneficial for both veterinarian and for livestock owners, because if farmer can judge the abnormalities in behaviour of animal, only then he/she will be able to recognise the sick animal and be able to call the doctor for treatment. >>>
Many household products meant for specific applications are the common indoor toxicants posing threat to pets. >>>
Nowadays we come across lot of posts, wallpaper and pictures depicting that Mother Nature is healing itself. Okay, for instance it’s true as people are contained in their habitats giving rise to less pollution and regeneration of flora and fauna as before. But do we really need this kind of healing, how nature will look when seen standing over a pile of dead bodies. >>>
The Adverse Effect of Heat Stress on Animals: A reduction in dry matter intake, growth, feed conversion efficiency, reproduction, milk production and change in >>>
Infectious diseases are caused by biological agents like viruses, bacteria and fungi, which can be transmitted from animal to animal. These diseases cause economic losses to farmers by mainly decreasing the milk production in dairy animals. It can be controlled or prevented by timely and proper vaccination of farm animals. >>>
n the wake of the valid argument that dictates the morality being a welfare entity considered for man, whereas the animals being the same beings except not protesting for the rights for themselves, the mankind or some men take the onus necessarily to become a voice for them. >>>
As the name itself indicates Deoni cattle breed belongs to village Deoni, Taluka Deoni, District Latur in the state of Maharashtra. The breed has developed from a strain descended from the mixture of Gir, Dangi and local breed. Fore head and ear characters are similar to the Gir breed where as coat color general confirmation and ruggedness belongs to Dangi Cattle breed. >>>
The term zoonosis is derived from Greek word Zoon means “animals” and nosos means “sickness”. The World Health Organisation (WHO) defines zoonosis as any disease or infection that is naturally transmissible from vertebrate animals to humans. >>>
Animal husbandry, Fishery and allied farming practices form the mainstay of food production in rural areas of India. A majority of the population lives in rural areas and depends for their livelihood on animal Husbandry and allied enterprises. >>>
Genetic selection finds its way from the time of ancestors. Although our ancestors were not having any knowledge about genetics but still they were able to influence the DNA of plants and animals through a process called as selective breeding or artificial selection. >>>
Blood transfusion is one of the emergency care for the saving of life of animal in case of severe medical emergency conditions. It was first done by Richard Lower in 1665 in dog. Now for the conditions like severe anaemia by various etiological factors, hypovolumic shock and automobile accidents making more need of blood transfusion in animals. >>>
When discussion is done regarding important management practices in dairy farm, most of the time, records and their maintenance are ignored. The reasons for this could be lack of knowledge of different types of records, record maintenance and interconnection of records with effective management of overall farm operations. >>>
Heart worm infestation in dogs is a parasitic disease caused by a filarial organism, Dirofilaria immitis (Genchi et al., 2011). Mosquitoes (Aedes, Anopheles and Culex) can serve as intermediate hosts (Wang et al., 2014). Heart worm infection risk is greatest in dogs and most cases are diagnosed in medium to large sized, 3 to 8 years old dogs living outside. >>>