Animal Husbandry

Livestock Production

India is an agricultural country with about 65 to 70% of the full population having agriculture and husbandry if livestock is of various importance in India’s economy. Livestock plays a vital role within the Indian economy. >>>

Animal Husbandry

Care and management of livestock in rainy season

t time to prep yourself to jump into the water, and get your hand dirty in the mud pool while rowing your own tiny, paper boats over the little streams of water flowing  beside .monsoon  is a blissful season with onset of monsoon the environment is subject to fatalities like flood and in such a case, it cause severe loss to the mankin, flora and the fauna. >>>

Animal Husbandry

Animal Welfare Practices Followed During Summer Season

Animal welfare is undertaking micro animal husbandry practices on the livestock at the farm, and is directly related to health, reproduction & production of animals under comfortable as well as animal friendly environment. Animal welfare practices have a positive effect on production and reproduction performance of dairy animals. >>>