Impact of aflatoxin on livestock health
Aflatoxin are poisonous, mutagenic and carcinogenic by-products produced by certain fungi that can be found on contaminated agricultural crops and their grain by-products including corn >>>
Aflatoxin are poisonous, mutagenic and carcinogenic by-products produced by certain fungi that can be found on contaminated agricultural crops and their grain by-products including corn >>>
Lactoferrin (LF) is an iron-binding glycoprotein synthesized by specific granules in polymorphonuclear leukocytes and glandular epithelial cells since bacteria require iron for growth >>>
Rumen manipulation is expected to improve helpful processes while it reduces, removes, and changes the processes, which are dangerous to the host >>>
Vitamins have diverse biochemical functions. Vitamin A acts as a regulator of cell and tissue growth and differentiation. Vitamin D provides a hormone-like >>>
COVID-19 represents an unprecedented emergency and grave societal threat, during this period protecting public health is the first priority. However, efforts were also made to recognize and mitigate >>>
Also known as– Possibly Essential Minerals/ Possible Essential Elements. Elements which are regarded as essential albeit in “ultra-trace” concentration (i.e. < 1 mg/kg) >>>
Industrial effluents are the discharges from various industries which have have been found in different water resources. Industrial effluents are now-a-days very often polluted by high levels of toxic metal ions >>>
Heat stress is temperature related stress, which induces thermoregulatory changes. During the extreme hot humid or hot dry weather, this thermoregulatory capability of buffalo to dissipate heat by sweating >>>
The primary purpose of raising poultry is to transform feeds into meat and eggs. But the feed conversion to these uses must be done efficiently and economically. To do this, the principles of nutrition >>>
Need of Exogenous Enzyme in Poultry Feed: The poultry industry in developing countries is facing several difficulties as a result of the high prices of >>>
The technological intervention of supplementary feeding through milk replacer in lambs can address these issues ensuring optimum weight gain and health. >>>
Rooftop Hydroponic Sheep Farming- New scientific production systems which urban areas are evolving on rooftop i.e., vertical farming that are soil free, focus >>>
There is an urgent need of development of area specific mineral mixture (ASMM) for different regions and states of the country in order to ensure supplementation >>>
Dr. Raghavendra Bhatta has been conferred the prestigious Fellowship of the Karnataka Science and Technology Academy 2020, Department of Science and Technology, Government of Karnataka. >>>