Animal Diseases

ZOONOSIS and ONE HEALTH: Next frontier to overcome in dynamic era of reemerging infectious diseases

With latest outbreak of novel corona virus (COVID-19) world has come to standstill and started knowing the importance of the concept zoonosis. According to the world health organization zoonosis is categorically defined as the any disease or infection that naturally transmissible from vertebrate animals to humans. Animals are critical reservoir of varied number of infectious agents in the natural habitats. >>>

Animal Diseases

Trilogy of Interaction: Human, Animal and Environment with respect to COVID 19

Nowadays we come across lot of posts, wallpaper and pictures depicting that Mother Nature is healing itself. Okay, for instance it’s true as people are contained in their habitats giving rise to less pollution and regeneration of flora and fauna as before. But do we really need this kind of healing, how nature will look when seen standing over a pile of dead bodies. >>>