Fallacies on acceptance and consumption of eggs
From the childhood we heard a slogan as “Sunday Ho Ya Monday Roz Khao Ande”. Along with milk, “eggs contain the highest biological value (gold standard) for protein” >>>
From the childhood we heard a slogan as “Sunday Ho Ya Monday Roz Khao Ande”. Along with milk, “eggs contain the highest biological value (gold standard) for protein” >>>
“If an apple a day keeps doctors away, an egg a day will keep diseases at bay” For years, eggs have been held up as a powerhouse of protein. The reputation has been due to its exceptional >>>
Egg is not only a wholesome food, but it offers about 13 different vitamins and minerals required by the body. A typical egg contains about 6-7 g of very high quality protein that are with about >>>
Happy World Egg Day 2021 – Friday 8 th October (Picture 1). The theme for this year’s event is “Eggs for all: Nature’s Perfect Package”. As the theme rightly suggests, eggs truly are nature’s >>>
Designer eggs are those in which the content has been modified from standard egg. The content of the chicken egg can be changed in such a way as to be more healthful. >>>
Microbial spoilage of eggs: Under healthy breeding conditions, the egg content is sterile. However, the eggshell surface can be contaminated by a diversified microflora. In order to >>>
The egg is widely used in the food manufacturing and food processing industries. Eggs are used in large quantities in products such as cakes, salads, food decorations, and fast food, wasting many to >>>
Poultry industry has shown significant growth in India as well as in the world by bringing paradigm shift in its structure and operation. Poultry industry has turned out to be self-sufficient >>>
Introduction Broiler is a bird of about 8 weeks of age of either sex with an average body weight of 1.5 to 2.0 kg. The cross bred of Plymouth Rock and Cornish are the ones used for meat productio >>>
Now in parallel to corona pandemic, another threat bird flu outbreak arises in India. It has been reported in various states like Kerala, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh, Haryana >>>
Egg is one of the most nutrient dense food or complete food containing body building proteins, bone forming minerals, health giving vitamins and energy giving fats. >>>
Egg is a wonder food providing 6-7 gram of high quality protein and 14 essential nutrients. It is a rich source of nine essential amino acids, essential fatty acids, calcium, phosphorus, choline, folate, vitamin A, B and D, iron, zinc, selenium and many more nutrients. >>>
Eggs are nutrient dense super foods that comprise essential vitamins and all nine essential amino acids making it a source of complete protein and one of the food that naturally contains vitamin D. >>>
Backyard Poultry farming is an old age practice in rural India, which comprises of rearing of indigenous birds with poor production performance >>>