Five Point Check- a decision making tool during deworming of Small Ruminants
Internal parasites cause many ill affects among the ruminants and domestic animals. They cause severe economic losses to the animal husbandry in a numerous ways. >>>
Internal parasites cause many ill affects among the ruminants and domestic animals. They cause severe economic losses to the animal husbandry in a numerous ways. >>>
Infectious diseases in animals pose a serious and continuing threat to food security, food safety, national economies, biodiversity and the rural environment. An infectious animal disease can spread >>>
Webinar on “Zoonotic Potential of Parasitic Diseases of Dog and Cat Origin” scheduled on 05-06-2021 >>>
Diphyllobothriasis is also called as ‘Fish tapeworm disease’. Etiology Caused by cestode Diphyllobothrium latum (also sometimes caused by other species like D.pacificum & D.nihonkaiense >>>
Diarrhoea defined as the occurrence when intestinal fluids are not absorbed appropriately in the intestines. Anything that affects the intestine’s ability to absorb fluid may result in diarrhoea >>>
Introduction Coccidiosis is one of the economically important and major parasitic diseases in the calves caused by Eimeria spp. which are often underemphasized in Indian scenario. It is respos>> >>>
Toxocara vitulorum a species of round worm parasite that infects Cattle, Buffalo and Bisons. The worm also called as Neoascaris vitulorum. Infestation is common in worldwide and more prevalent in America, Africa and Asia. >>>
Pigeons were evolving to be one of the most common pets in the world. they were present in every part of the world except the colder regions. It comes under the Columbidae family which includes both doves and pigeons, the smaller ones are usually called as the doves. >>>
In parasitic infestation, the ectoparasites are easily visible on an animal’s body and get treated but as endoparasites are not visible, and so they are ignored very often. >>>