Constraints in Dairying Sector


Government of India is implementing Dairy Development schemes to provide facilities for storage and marketing of milk & milk products. Besides, State Governments also provide financial assistance for storage and marketing of milk & milk products.

Department of Animal Husbandry & Dairying (DAHD) is providing assistance to cooperatives for village level bulk milk coolers (BMCs) which are installed to cool and preserve milk. As on March 2019, BMC storage capacity at village level and processing facilities at district/regional level available with the dairy cooperatives in the country are 41447 Thousand Litres and 88274 Thousand Litres Per Day respectively. This Department is implementing following schemes for creation/strengthening infrastructure for collection, chilling, processing and marketing of milk and milk products:-

  1. National Programme for Dairy Development
  2. National Dairy Plan-Phase I
  3. Dairy Processing and Infrastructure Development Fund
  4. Dairy Entrepreneurship Development Scheme
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 As per 19th Livestock Census 2012, there are 190.90 million numbers of cattle in the country owned by 65 million numbers of households. In a cooperative system, farmers owning milch cattle organise dairy cooperative societies (DCS) at village level where they pour milk. The milk so collected from a cluster of such DCS are stored and cooled in BMCs located at one of these DCS. DAHD provides assistance for BMCs to dairy cooperatives for installation at village level dairy cooperative societies to cool and preserve milk. In Rajasthan, as on December 2019, there are 2686 number of BMCs with installed capacity of 4410 Thousand Litre and 15017 numbers of registered dairy cooperative societies covering 8.20 lakh farmers.

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In the country, as on March 2019, there is an installed BMC capacity of 41447 Thousand Litre and 1.91 lakh number of dairy cooperative societies covering 169.29 lakh farmer members. This information was given in a written reply by the Minister Of State For Fisheries, Animal Husbandry And Dairying Dr.Sanjeev Kumar Balyan in Lok Sabha today.

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