Pregnancy Toxemia in Doe: A Case Report
A doe weighing 45 kg during last trimester of pregnancy was presented at Veterinary Hospital Chaumuha,Mathura with primary complaint of inappetance and recumbency for a week. >>>
A doe weighing 45 kg during last trimester of pregnancy was presented at Veterinary Hospital Chaumuha,Mathura with primary complaint of inappetance and recumbency for a week. >>>
Dairy animals are reared for the purpose of milk or calf production. Mastitis have been >>>
Recently, it was discovered that swine acute diarrhea syndrome may replicate in primary human cells, particularly human lung and intestinal cells, according to certain publications. >>>
Lymph nodes are bean shaped small lymphoid glandular structures. Lymph nodes are usually considered as important organs where diseases and abnormalities are most likely to produce visible >>>
African swine fever (ASF) is a trans-boundary, OIE listed viral disease of domestic and wild pigs belonging to family Suidae (all breeds and ages). It is also known as warthog disease and African >>>
Bovine Tuberculosis (bTB) is caused by M. bovis belongs to the member of Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex (MTBC) which also includes M. tuberculosis, M. bovis BCG, M. africanum, M. canetti, M. microti, M. caprae and M. pinnipedii >>>
It is well known that dystocia cases must be dealt with promptness and due care, because any delay can result in abnormal peurperium or even risk for life of fetus and/or dam. The most important >>>
In some cases, Viral diseases can cause major social, economic, and environmental impact, as well as posing a risk to human health. Due to the effects of global change, many livestock-related dangers >>>
Methods of Bacterial Identification 1. Microscopy Microorganisms can be examined microscopically for: Bacterial motility: Hanging drop method- A drop of bacterial suspension is placed >>>
The content of the articles are accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge. It is not meant to substitute for diagnosis, prognosis, treatment, prescription, or formal and individualized advice from a veterinary medical professional. Animals exhibiting signs and symptoms of distress should be seen by a veterinarian immediately. >>>
Without reproduction there will be neither lactation nor replacements of herds for future. Therefore, the >>>
The incidence of fungal infections has been increasing over the past decades. Global mortality owing to fungal infections is greater than for malaria and breast cancer and is >>>
Early and correct diagnosis is critical for prompt antifungal therapy implementation and reducing the usage of toxic antifungal drugs. Furthermore, having access to accurate and early >>>
Alanine amino transerfase (ALT) Formerly known as glutamic pyruvate transaminase. It is an enzyme necessary for energy production,it is present in a number of tissues including the liver, heart >>>