Hameoglobinuria is the pathological conditions in animals in which animal passes haemoglobin in the urine. Haemoglobinuria occurs due to mineral deficiency, metabolic diseases, protozoal diseases >>>

Interview for Project Research Associate position
Title of Project: “Covid 19 Bioresource at the NCR Biotech Science Cluster”. Duration: Initially for one year. Age Limit: 35 Years Essential Qualifications: Ph.D. in Life Sciences/Biology >>>

The applications for admission two year PG Diploma in Management (Agri Business Management) – PGDM(ABM) recognised by AICTE in National Institute of Agricultural Extension Management (MANAGE) >>>

Online VCI Counseling- 2020 for B.V.Sc.& A.H Course will start from 30th December
The Online counseling for admission to B.V.Sc.& A.H Course under 15% All India Quota seats in the recognized Veterinary colleges will be filled by the Veterinary Council of India (VCI) >>>

Instructor post on contractual basis in DUVASU, Mathura
Applications are invited for following posts on the prescribed format for temporary engagement on contractual basis for the Diploma Programs of Institute of Para Veterinary Science. >>>

A systematic review on Coccidiosis in calves
Introduction Coccidiosis is one of the economically important and major parasitic diseases in the calves caused by Eimeria spp. which are often underemphasized in Indian scenario. It is respos>> >>>

Housing for Dairy Cattle
An efficient management of cattle will be incomplete without a well-planned and adequate housing of cattle. Improper planning in the arrangement of animal housing may result in additional labour>> >>>

A hot topic of A1 and A2 milk in India
Milk has been considered as elixir, next to water in this world. It is easily available and serves as a better food for the children’s, patients, and old aged people. Also, it is an important >> >>>

Assistant Professor(s) and Equivalent in CSK Himachal Pradesh Krishi Vishvavidyalaya Palampur
Recruitment notification for the positions of Assistant Professor(s) and Equivalent in CSK Himachal Pradesh Krishi Vishvavidyalaya Palampur. >>>

Advantages of Battery Housing System in Poultry
Battery cages are a housing system used for various animal production methods, but primarily for egg-laying hens. The name arises from the arrangement of rows and columns of identical cages >>>

Scientist Recruitments in CSIR-Central Drug Research Institute
CSIR-Central Drug Research Institute invites applications from motivated young Indian Nationals with requisite qualification and experience for the following posts as per the details given below. Th… >>>

Assistant Professor Vacancy CSK Himachal Pradesh Krishi Vishvavidyalaya Palampur
Applications for the following posts of Assistant Professor and equivalent positions purely on Contract Basis @ Rs. 30,600/- PM fixed in the Pay Band of Rs 15600-39100 + 6000 AGP ( BP-15,600 + 6000 >>>

Morni Hills Cattle: The Smallest Cattle of Haryana
The Morni hills cattle is non descript cattle mainly reared in the rural area of Morni Hills situated in the Shivalik Hills range of Panchkula district of Haryana state >>>