Dairy Husbandry

Milk Hygiene

Milk is the complete food. It contains in a balanced form of all the necessary and digestable elements for building and maintaining the human and animal body. In addition, it contains immunoglobulins which protect the newly born against a number of diseases’. >>>

Animal Husbandry

Care and management of livestock in rainy season

t time to prep yourself to jump into the water, and get your hand dirty in the mud pool while rowing your own tiny, paper boats over the little streams of water flowing  beside .monsoon  is a blissful season with onset of monsoon the environment is subject to fatalities like flood and in such a case, it cause severe loss to the mankin, flora and the fauna. >>>

Animal Diseases

Heat Stress- Can be life threatening

Heat stress is a common condition in working equines, especially in the summer months. Excessive weight lifting and running releases sweat causing water and ionic loss. If it is hot and humid, the humidity decreases the amount of heat loss that can be achieved through evaporation, increasing the risk of heat stress. >>>

Animal Diseases

Leukoderma (Vitiligo) in Livestock

Leukoderma or Vitiligo is an autoimmune disease of the skin that is characterized by patchy depigmentation (i.e., white spots) and results from the loss of melanocytes, which are pigment-producing cells. Leukoderma is patchy depigmentation of skin with premature graying of local hairs with the usual manifestation as appearance of patches of gray or white hair. Leukoderma as a pigmentary disorder of unknown cause characterized by depigmented patches due to destruction of melanocyte. >>>

Animal Diseases

Insights into the current Livestock Health and Animal Disease status of India

India is an agrarian country and a large portion of rural population depends on agriculture and animal health sector. Livestock population of our country is approximately 536 million (Livestock census, GOI, 2019) which is highest in world and a large number of population depend on livestock for their income and livelihood. Livestock sector contribute 4.5% of GDP and 25.6% of the agriculture and allied sector. >>>

Dairy Husbandry

Record Keeping- An Important Aspect of Dairy Farming

Record keeping is one of the utmost important part of dairy business. The success or failure of any business is highly dependent on efficiency of record keeping. Dairy farming is one of the most adoptable business of rural areas of India but the major setback of dairy farming is that people of rural area do not adopt it as business. They rear animals for their household need, not as profession. >>>