Mastitis: A threat to Dairy Industry Economics
Dairy animals are reared for the purpose of milk or calf production. Mastitis have been >>>
Dairy animals are reared for the purpose of milk or calf production. Mastitis have been >>>
Lymph nodes are bean shaped small lymphoid glandular structures. Lymph nodes are usually considered as important organs where diseases and abnormalities are most likely to produce visible >>>
Methods of Bacterial Identification 1. Microscopy Microorganisms can be examined microscopically for: Bacterial motility: Hanging drop method- A drop of bacterial suspension is placed >>>
CULTURE Is the term given to microorganisms that are cultivated in the lab for the purpose of identifying and studying them. MEDIUM Is the term given to the combination of ingredients that >>>
Actinobacillus pleuropnemonia is a common primary bacterial pneumonia in swine populations in worldwide. Porcine Actinobacillus pleuropneumonia, caused by Actinobacillus (Haemophilus) >>>
In India we consider cattle as part of the family and take good care of animal. Unfortunately, the oral hygiene is one of the ignored aspects as far as wellbeing of the animal is considered >>>
Infectious diseases in animals pose a serious and continuing threat to food security, food safety, national economies, biodiversity and the rural environment. An infectious animal disease can spread >>>
Downer cow is any cow which was down in sternal recumbency for more than 24 hours. The downers cow syndrom can be defined as a condition occurring following parturient paresis characterized clinical >>>
Lumpy skin disease (LSD) is a viral disease of cattle and buffalo caused by Capripox virus of family Poxviridae. It is emerging threat to cattle industry mainly causing nodules all over the body. >>>
Scours is one of the prominent sign of neonatal mortality Causes Cryptosporidiosis It is a common cause of scours in new born lambs & kids between 5-15 days of age >>>
A 5 week old Spitz pup suffering from diarrhea and vomiting was presented at Veterinary Hospital, Chaumuha, Mathura. Animal was dull, depressed and anorectic. It preferred to lay down in sternal >>>
Bovine lameness is an increasing concern as it affects the health, productivity, and welfare of dairy cattle to a great extent. It is 3rd most prevalent disease after mastitis and infertility in the >>>
Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency (EPI) is a syndrome that is characterized by decreased production or secretion of digestive enzymes by the pancreas with associated maldigestion. >>>
Urolithiasis describes the concretion of urinary calculi or organic compound, which may lodge any where in urinary system but most frequently at the distal end of the sigmoid flexure in ruminants and causes subsequent urine flow obstruction >>>