Importance of Antibiotic Sensitivity Test in treating Bovine Mastitis
Mastitis is one of the most important economical diseases of dairy cattle. Generally, the clinical form of mastitis divided into mild, moderate or severe. >>>
Mastitis is one of the most important economical diseases of dairy cattle. Generally, the clinical form of mastitis divided into mild, moderate or severe. >>>
The threat of antimicrobial resistance including multidrug resistance is growing at an alarming rate and the condition is getting aggravated in developing countries due to indiscriminate use of antimicrobials >>>
Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) may be responsible for approximately 90% of the predicted deaths to occur in Asia and Africa by 2050 >>>
Yersiniosis is also known as Enterocolitis, Pseudotuberculosis. It is a bacterial zoonotic disease. Yersinia is named after Alexandre Yersin, a French microbiologist >>>
Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) refers to the ability of a microorganism to survive and grow in the presence of antimicrobial drugs. This occurs when bacteria >>>
Milk and milk products being rich sources of nutrients serve as good mediums for the growth of various micro-organisms thereby responsible for either their spoilage or causing infections/intoxication >>>
Antibiotics are wonderful medicines in fight against deadly microbial infections since its invention. Antibiotics save millions of lives per year around the world. Devastating pandemics like cholera, tuberculosis took millions of lives prior to its invention. >>>