Important Zootoxins affecting humans and animals
Poisonous and venomous animals are abundant and include more than 400 species of venomous snakes, approximately 1500 species of toxic marine animals, and countless numbers of poisonous >>>
Poisonous and venomous animals are abundant and include more than 400 species of venomous snakes, approximately 1500 species of toxic marine animals, and countless numbers of poisonous >>>
Selenium has long been recognized as a mineral toxic to animals, but only recently has it been shown to be a nutritional requirement. Selenium was reported essential for animal health in 1957 >>>
Since pesticides are designed to kill or adversely affect living organisms, by their very nature, they pose risk to humans, non-target plants and animals. They not only contaminate the ecosystem but also bio-accumulate in the food chain and >>>
Urea poisoning is one of the more commonly suspected toxicities of cattle in the Top End. Urea is used as a source of non-protein nitrogen (NPN) in feed supplements. In ruminants, nitrogen from urea >>>
Contamination of the soil and water sources used for drinking purpose of animals also forms another source of pesticide residue in animals. The pesticides cover >>>
When the animal ingests lantana leaves, the toxins present in the leaves get absorbed into the bloodstream mainly from the small intestine. As time passes, the >>>
Poison : It is any substance (liquid/solid/gas) that causes deleterious effects in a living organism. >>>