Cyanogenic Glycoside Poisoning in Ruminants
Cyanide, a notorious poison from historical times, has caught attention owing to its extreme and >>>
Cyanide, a notorious poison from historical times, has caught attention owing to its extreme and >>>
Poisonous and venomous animals are abundant and include more than 400 species of venomous snakes, approximately 1500 species of toxic marine animals, and countless numbers of poisonous >>>
Mercury (Hg), a heavy metal that has been in use since antiquity in one form or the other, can result in a broad range of adverse health impacts, including behavioral, neurochemical, hormonal, and >>>
Selenium has long been recognized as a mineral toxic to animals, but only recently has it been shown to be a nutritional requirement. Selenium was reported essential for animal health in 1957 >>>
Industrial effluents are the discharges from various industries which have have been found in different water resources. Industrial effluents are now-a-days very often polluted by high levels of toxic metal ions >>>
When the animal ingests lantana leaves, the toxins present in the leaves get absorbed into the bloodstream mainly from the small intestine. As time passes, the >>>