Red Sindhi Breed of Cattle


Red Sindhi important milch breed of cattle. The breed originated in the Sindh province of Pakistan, they are widely kept for milk production across Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, and other countries.

They have been used for crossbreeding with temperate (European) origin dairy breeds in many countries to combine their tropical adaptations (heat tolerance, tick resistance, disease resistance, fertility at higher temperatures, etc.) with the higher milk production found in temperate regions. Red Sindhi cow has potential of good milk production, therefor the breed have been imported by more than 20 countries. It has been crossed with Jerseys in many places, including India, the United States, Australia, Sri Lanka, etc

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Physical Discription:

Coat Colour: Distinctively red colour. Red shades may very in colour. In Bulls colour is dark on shoulders and thigh.

Horns: Horns are thick at base and emerge laterally and curved upward.

Distinguishing Character: Large and compact body with straight and short face. Prominent head, loose skin, red body colour, large hump and thick horn at base.

Performance: The cow have capacious udder and average milk production about 1800 liters in laction period of 300 days. Milk production varies from 1100 liters to 3000 liters. Average dry period is around 180 days and average calving interval is around 380 days.

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  1. Sahiwal Breed of Cattle (साहिवाल नस्ल)

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